Juhtumiuuring: parkimislahenduse analüüs, kasutades jagatud andmebaasi teenust Corda
Blockchaini avaldamisest saadik, aastast 2008, on avalike jagatud andmebaaside kasutamine kogunud järjest rohkem populaarsust. Algselt krüptoraha platvormis Bitcoin kasutusel olnud Blockchaini on osapoolte poolt muudetud, et uurida selle kasutust eri valdkondades. Kiiresti pärast Bitcoin’i avaldamist saadi aru, et sellel on potentsiaali rohkemaks kui ainult krüptorahaks. Erinevate uurimisrühmade ja arenduste tulemusena jõuti välja tõdemuseni, et Blockchain oma algsel, avalikul kujul paljudesse valdkondadesse ei sobi. Näiteks ei ole see oma algsel kujul kasutatav meditsiiniandmete või fintantstehingute juures, kus privaatsus on kriitilise tähtsusega. Nii arendati välja privaatne jagatud andmebaaside tehnoloogia. Selle tehnoloogia suurim erinevus standardsest Blockchainist on, et transaktsioonid osapoolte vahel ei ole avalikud, vaid need jagatakse ainult osapoolte vahel. Seetõttu sai nüüd võimalikuks selliste valdkondade, nagu meditsiin, rahandus ja sõjandus, areng jagatud andmebaaside suunas. Kuigi teoreetilised alused ja kontseptsioon on privaatsetel jagatud andmebaasidel üsna lai, on nende rakendamine igapäevaelus hetkel pinnapealne. Käesolev lõputöö annab ülevaate ühest privaatselt jagatud andmebaasi teenusest Corda’st. Lisaks sellele analüüsitakse lõputöös privaatse jagatud andmebaasi ja hetkel laialt kasutusel oleva traditsioonilise andmebaasi tehnoloogiate erinevusi. Võrreldakse paradigmasid, tarkvara arhitektuuri, funktsionaalsusi ja kasutatavust erinevatest aspektidest. Lõputöö tulemusena valmis kaht eri paradigmat kasutava rakenduse arhitektuuri ja funktsionaalsuste analüüs. Toodi välja nende erinevuste, tugevuste ja nõrkuste loetelu ning kirjeldused.
Since the proposal of public ledger system, Blockchain, back in 2008, there has been rapid development of ledger systems. Original Blockchain, that worked inside Bitcoin cryptocurrency platform, have been moder-ated by several different groups in order to make it usable in various environments. Soon after the release of Blockchain as a part of cryptocurrency mining process, people realized, that Blockchain's potential is much bigger. With different researches and implementation to support other functions than cryptocurrency, researchers found out that the architectural specification of Blockchain, namely that every transaction in the system is public, is not suit-able for various real life usecases, like medical data or stocks.Then distributed ledger technology(DLT) was introduced. This technology made private transactions, without mediator, possible. This meant that vast potential, that public ledger system had, was now possible to brought into real life usecases, without sacrificing the im-mutability property of public ledger. Although theoretical background for DLTs has gone a long way there are only few studies on the analyses of DLT in everyday applications. This thesis provides overview of one particular DLT system named Corda. In addition, thesis analyses architectural differences between application using DLT and traditional database type approach. The analyses cover fields like, programming paradigm, architectural design, functionality and usability of the two approaches. As an outcome of this thesis, two different case study applications are analysed in depth. In addition, their key differences are brought out and reasoned about. Furthermore, the discussion of benefits and drawbacks of each key aspect is brought out.
Since the proposal of public ledger system, Blockchain, back in 2008, there has been rapid development of ledger systems. Original Blockchain, that worked inside Bitcoin cryptocurrency platform, have been moder-ated by several different groups in order to make it usable in various environments. Soon after the release of Blockchain as a part of cryptocurrency mining process, people realized, that Blockchain's potential is much bigger. With different researches and implementation to support other functions than cryptocurrency, researchers found out that the architectural specification of Blockchain, namely that every transaction in the system is public, is not suit-able for various real life usecases, like medical data or stocks.Then distributed ledger technology(DLT) was introduced. This technology made private transactions, without mediator, possible. This meant that vast potential, that public ledger system had, was now possible to brought into real life usecases, without sacrificing the im-mutability property of public ledger. Although theoretical background for DLTs has gone a long way there are only few studies on the analyses of DLT in everyday applications. This thesis provides overview of one particular DLT system named Corda. In addition, thesis analyses architectural differences between application using DLT and traditional database type approach. The analyses cover fields like, programming paradigm, architectural design, functionality and usability of the two approaches. As an outcome of this thesis, two different case study applications are analysed in depth. In addition, their key differences are brought out and reasoned about. Furthermore, the discussion of benefits and drawbacks of each key aspect is brought out.