Long-term quality of life, emotional health, and associated factors in patients after aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage
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Ämblikvõrkkesta-alune verejooks ehk mittetraumaatiline subarahnoidaalne hemorraagia (SAH) moodustab 5% insultidest. 85%-l patsientidest on SAH põhjustatud ajuarteri aneurüsmi lõhkemisest. Suuremal osal patsientidest leiab aneurüsmaatiline subarahnoidaalne hemorraagia (aSAH) aset keskeas ja sellesse haigestumus on 7.9 juhtu 100.000 elaniku kohta. Esmane ravi haiguse ägedas perioodis on suunatud verejooksu põhjuse likvideerimisele (aneurüsmi mikrokirurgiline klipsimine või versoonesise sulgemine ehk koilimine). Vaatamata sellele, et aSAH-i käsitlus on viimastel aastatel paranenud, on haiguse psühhosotsiaalsed kaugtulemused sageli ebarahuldavad nii patsientide kui ka nende lähedaste jaoks. Enam kui pooltel patsientidel on pärast aSAH-i ägedat perioodi kirjeldatud vähenenud elukvaliteeti. Kuni pooltel patsientidel esineb pärast aSAH-i depressioon ja ärevus, mis võivad püsida rohkem kui 18 kuud. Suhteliselt vähe on uuringutes tähelepanu pööratud aSAH-i põdemisele järgnevate emotsionaalsete häirete ja elukvaliteedi languse seostele ja nende prognostilistele faktoritele.
aSAH patsientide retrospektiivse kaugtulemuste uuringu eesmärgid olid: kirjeldada elukvaliteedi langust ja emotsionaalsete häirete esinemist ellujäänute seas, analüüsida emotsionaalsete häirete ja elukvaliteedi omavahelist seost koos neid mõjutavate teguritega, ja uurida CRHR1 genotüübi mõju aSAH kaugtulemustele.
Võrreldes samaealiste üldpopulatsiooniga esines aSAH patsientide kohordis elukvaliteedi langus. Samuti oli üldpopulatsiooniga võrreldes pärast aSAH-i kõrge emotsionaalsete häirete, asteenia ja unetuse levimus. Asteenia oli kõige sagedasem patoloogiline seisund, mis mõjutas patsientide nii vaimset kui ka füüsilist seisundit. Ühel kolmandikul patsientidest esines depressiooni ja ärevust, mille sümptomid avaldusid tihti samaaegselt. Olulisel hulgal patsientidest esines surma- või enesetapumõtteid. Emotsionaalsed häired seletasid enam kui poole elukvaliteedi vaimse domeeni hinnete erinevusest ja peaaegu kolmandiku füüsilise domeeni hinnetest Asteenia oli seotud kõikide elukvaliteedi domeenide tulemustega. Depressioon oli seotud elukvaliteedi vaimse domeeni hinnetega. Enam kui kolmandik patsientidest ei suutnud pärast aSAH-i tööle naasta, mis oli seotud emotsionaalsete häirete esinemisega. CRHR1 minoorse genotüübi kandjatel olid oluliselt paremad tulemused elukvaliteedi vaimses domeenis. CRHR1 minoorne genotüüp oli seotud väiksema riskiga asteenia ja depressiooni kujunemiseks.
Aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH) is an acute neurosurgical disease that is associated with devastating long-term morbidity and socioeconomic burden. aSAH accounts for 5% of all strokes. The incidence of aSAH is around 7.9 per 100.000 patient years. The mean age of aSAH incidence is 55, and survivors have a good life expectancy. Despite recent improvements in the management of aSAH, psychosocial outcomes are still unsatisfactory. More than half of patients report a persistent reduction in their quality of life (QoL). Many patients experience mental health disturbances such as depression, anxiety, and fatigue. Despite the potential benefit associated with timely management of QoL and mental disorders after aSAH, these issues often remain unrecognized and undertreated. Biomarkers are needed to predict, diagnose, and potentially treat the long-term consequences of aSAH. With this long-term retrospective study of aSAH survivors, we aimed to measure survivors’ QoL, describe various emotional disorders that aSAH patients experience, and analyse the associations between emotional disorders and QoL. We also explored the role of the corticotrophin-releasing hormone receptor 1 (CRHR1) genotype as a possible biomarker for emotional maladjustment after aSAH. A strong long-term reduction in the physical, mental, and social domains of QoL occurred in our cohort of aSAH patients in comparison with the general population. There was a high prevalence of emotional disorders, fatigue, and insomnia amongst patients. Fatigue was the most common disorder, which was affected both by the mental and physical state of the patients. One third of the patients scored significantly for depression and anxiety, which coexisted frequently. A substantial number of patients reported frequent thoughts of suicide. Emotional disorders were significantly associated with impaired QoL. Emotional disorders explained more than half of the variance in the mental domain and almost one third of the variance in the physical domain of QoL. Fatigue was significantly associated with all QoL scale results. Depression was significantly associated with all scores in the mental domain of QoL. Carriers of the minor genotype of CRHR1 had significantly better scores in the mental domain of QoL. The CRHR1 minor genotype was associated with a lower risk of fatigue and depression after aSAH.
Aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH) is an acute neurosurgical disease that is associated with devastating long-term morbidity and socioeconomic burden. aSAH accounts for 5% of all strokes. The incidence of aSAH is around 7.9 per 100.000 patient years. The mean age of aSAH incidence is 55, and survivors have a good life expectancy. Despite recent improvements in the management of aSAH, psychosocial outcomes are still unsatisfactory. More than half of patients report a persistent reduction in their quality of life (QoL). Many patients experience mental health disturbances such as depression, anxiety, and fatigue. Despite the potential benefit associated with timely management of QoL and mental disorders after aSAH, these issues often remain unrecognized and undertreated. Biomarkers are needed to predict, diagnose, and potentially treat the long-term consequences of aSAH. With this long-term retrospective study of aSAH survivors, we aimed to measure survivors’ QoL, describe various emotional disorders that aSAH patients experience, and analyse the associations between emotional disorders and QoL. We also explored the role of the corticotrophin-releasing hormone receptor 1 (CRHR1) genotype as a possible biomarker for emotional maladjustment after aSAH. A strong long-term reduction in the physical, mental, and social domains of QoL occurred in our cohort of aSAH patients in comparison with the general population. There was a high prevalence of emotional disorders, fatigue, and insomnia amongst patients. Fatigue was the most common disorder, which was affected both by the mental and physical state of the patients. One third of the patients scored significantly for depression and anxiety, which coexisted frequently. A substantial number of patients reported frequent thoughts of suicide. Emotional disorders were significantly associated with impaired QoL. Emotional disorders explained more than half of the variance in the mental domain and almost one third of the variance in the physical domain of QoL. Fatigue was significantly associated with all QoL scale results. Depression was significantly associated with all scores in the mental domain of QoL. Carriers of the minor genotype of CRHR1 had significantly better scores in the mental domain of QoL. The CRHR1 minor genotype was associated with a lower risk of fatigue and depression after aSAH.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone
cerebrovascular diseases, brain aneurysm, subarachnoid hemorrhage, genotype, quality of life, health state, psychosocial factors