RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase Activity as a Basis for the Detection of Positive-Strand RNA Viruses by Vertebrate Host Cells
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Peaaegu iga siiani uuritud elusorganism võib olla liigispetsiifiliste RNA viiruste nakkust ja levikut võimaldavaks peremeesorganismiks. Nakatamisvõimeline viirusosakene ehk virion sisaldab valgulise või valke ja lipiide sisaldavad kesta poolt ümbritsetud nukleiinhappe kujul viiruse genoomi.
RNA viiruste genoomi paljundamise eestvedajaks on viiruse genoomi poolt kodeeritav RNA-sõltuv RNA polümeraas (RdRp). Täpsemalt viib viiruse RNA genoomi replikatsiooni läbi replikaas: mitmest subühikust koosnev ensümaatiline kompleks, mis omab RdRp aktiivsusega tuumikkomponenti. Kõigepealt sünteesib RdRp viiruse RNA genoomi matriitsina kasutades sellele komplementaarse RNA ahela, mis hakkab järgnevalt omakorda toimima kui viiruse genoomi paljundamise matriits. RdRp toimib kui molekulaarne masin, mis kannab genoomses materjalis peituva geneetilise informatsiooni ühelt RNA molekulilt teisele. Kõik RNA viirused kodeerivad ise replikaasi RdRp komponenti, kuna nende peremeesrakud kas ei ole võimelised paljundama viiruste pikki RNA genoome (e.g. selgrootud loomad ja taimed) või neil puudub RdRp aktiivsusega ensüüm (e.g. selgroogsed loomad). Satelliitviiruste hulka kuuluv hepatiit delta viirus on teadaolevalt ainsana selle reegli suhtes erandlik. Replikaasikompleksi teised subühikud võivad sõltuvalt viirusest olla kodeeritud kas viiruse enda või peremeesraku poolt.
Käesoleva doktoritöö raames võeti Flaviviridae sugukonna “kollaste” ja Togaviridae sugukonna “ümbristega” viiruste RdRp ensüümide aktiivsuse mõju analüüsimiseks ette teekond katseklaasist peremeesrakku. Kõigepealt viisime läbi hepatiit C viiruse (HCV) RdRp tuumikkomponendi struktuuri ja funktsiooni seose analüüsi erinevates molekulaarsetes keskkondades. Teiseks tuvastasime Semliki Forest viiruse (SFV) replikatsiooni uurides, et SFV replikaas ei ole võimeline paljundama mitte ainult viiruslikku päritolu nukleiinhappeid, vaid transkribeerib ka peremeesraku RNA matriitse. Viimasena mainitud SFV replikaasi RdRp aktiivsuse “kõrvalnäht” kutsub esile võimsate rakuliste viirusvastaste kaitsemehhanismide vallandumise. Sellele avastusele tuginedes arendasime uudse üldistatud mudeli, mis kirjeldab, kuidas selgroogsete organismide rakud võivad detekteerida SFV-ga sarnaseid RNA viiruseid ja kuidas viirused üritavad säärast avastamist vältida.
Essentially every living organism studied thus far may serve as a host for the infection and propagation of species-specific RNA viruses. An infectious virus particle, i.e. a virion, carries the genome in the form of nucleic acid surrounded by a protein or protein-lipid coat. RNA virus genome replication is driven by the viral genome-encoded RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). More specifically, viral RNA genome replication is performed by a replicase, a multisubunit enzyme complex that possesses a core component with RdRp activity. RdRp first utilizes a viral RNA genome template to catalyze the synthesis of complementary RNA, which subsequently serves as a template for the production of viral genomes. RdRp is a molecular machine that transfers the genetic information embedded in genetic material from one RNA molecule to another. All RNA viruses encode the RdRp component of the replicase because host cells either cannot replicate long RNA genomes of viruses (e.g., invertebrates and plants) or do not possess intrinsic RdRp (e.g., vertebrates). Hepatitis delta virus, a satellite virus, is an exception to this rule. In addition to RdRp, all of the other protein subunits required for replicase assembly are encoded by either the viral RNA genome or the host genome. This dissertation involved a journey from the test tube to the host cell to analyze the effects of the viral RdRp activities of “yellow” and “mantled” RNA viruses of Flaviviridae and Togaviridae families. First, we performed structure-function relationship analyses of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) core RdRp component in different molecular environments. Second, by conducting Semliki Forest virus (SFV) replication studies, we found that the SFV replicase not only replicates viral nucleic acids but also has the capacity to transcribe host cell RNA templates. The latter “side effect” of SFV replicase RdRp activity triggers a potent cellular antiviral response. This finding led to the development of a generalized novel model that describes how vertebrate host cells might detect RNA viruses similar to SFV and how viruses counteract this detection.
Essentially every living organism studied thus far may serve as a host for the infection and propagation of species-specific RNA viruses. An infectious virus particle, i.e. a virion, carries the genome in the form of nucleic acid surrounded by a protein or protein-lipid coat. RNA virus genome replication is driven by the viral genome-encoded RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). More specifically, viral RNA genome replication is performed by a replicase, a multisubunit enzyme complex that possesses a core component with RdRp activity. RdRp first utilizes a viral RNA genome template to catalyze the synthesis of complementary RNA, which subsequently serves as a template for the production of viral genomes. RdRp is a molecular machine that transfers the genetic information embedded in genetic material from one RNA molecule to another. All RNA viruses encode the RdRp component of the replicase because host cells either cannot replicate long RNA genomes of viruses (e.g., invertebrates and plants) or do not possess intrinsic RdRp (e.g., vertebrates). Hepatitis delta virus, a satellite virus, is an exception to this rule. In addition to RdRp, all of the other protein subunits required for replicase assembly are encoded by either the viral RNA genome or the host genome. This dissertation involved a journey from the test tube to the host cell to analyze the effects of the viral RdRp activities of “yellow” and “mantled” RNA viruses of Flaviviridae and Togaviridae families. First, we performed structure-function relationship analyses of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) core RdRp component in different molecular environments. Second, by conducting Semliki Forest virus (SFV) replication studies, we found that the SFV replicase not only replicates viral nucleic acids but also has the capacity to transcribe host cell RNA templates. The latter “side effect” of SFV replicase RdRp activity triggers a potent cellular antiviral response. This finding led to the development of a generalized novel model that describes how vertebrate host cells might detect RNA viruses similar to SFV and how viruses counteract this detection.
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RNA polümeraas, replikatsioon, C-hepatiidi viirus, Semliki metsaviirus, RNA polymerase, replication, hepatitis C virus, Semliki forest virus