Venemaa ja venelaste kujutamine ETV2 "Aktuaalse kaamera" saadetes 2009. aastal

dc.contributor.advisorMasso, Anu, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorBojarova, Darja
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaal- ja haridusteaduskondet
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni instituutet
dc.descriptionRussia and Estonia have a long history of tense relationship related to events of last century, which left a number of political, territorial and financial questions unanswered. Russian-speaking Estonia residents have become the target audience for both Russian and Estonian medias, as their national self-identification remains vague even to themselves and winning their disposition can be a great benefit to either country. The goal of given research is the analysis of the covering of Russian-Estonian relationship topic in the year 2009 by ―Aktuaalne kaamera‖ broadcasts aired on ETV2. As television remains the most popular news source among Russian-speaking population, information delivered by this media is more likely to influence it's target audience's picture of the world and self-identification in it's context. The choice of media is based on the fact, that ―Aktuaalne kaamera‖ is the only broadcast aired in Russian language, thus competing with a wide array of Russia-sponsored news broadcasts aired on PBK, channel dedicated purely to covering the interests of Russian-speakers in Baltic states, which makes it both unique and important if we are to understand media involvement in the delicate process of Russian-speaking self-identification This work is divided into four logical parts: in the first one theoretical conceptions behind this research and techniques applied to analyze the data, the second focuses on historical, political, economical and cultural context, the third covers research questions and description of used methodology and the fourth and final part contains quantitative and qualitative analysis of media content and therefrom derived findings. Broadcasts can be grouped into five categories by main topic they are covering and overall tone their have to their message: 1. Russia and Russians (state – person relations). Evaluations of individuals tend to have neutral tone, with exception of accident reports, which represent the majority of news, are negative by definition. If we include accident reports into news regarding individuals, then overall tone will shift to negative. Whereas state's actions have a negative tone. 2. Russia as a partner. Here Russia is usually looked up on with hope of future cooperation in spite of the mutual benefits, that partnership could bring. 3. Russia as a potential threat. Russia is often criticized for lack of democracy. Increase of armed forces funding and improvement in Russia's international relationships with western countries are taken as potentially dangerous. 4. Russia and Estonia international relations. Certain political movements encouraging acts of vandalism and cyber-vandalism as well as escalation of scandals related to Russia-Estonia relations by some of the political parties in the chase for popularity is also regarded as a disturbing sign. 5. Russians in Estonia. Most of broadcasts concentrate on the positive side: examples of successful integration and inter-ethnic contacts, though sporadic examples of opposite are also covered. Thus though trying to portray Russia neutrally, ―Aktuaalne Kameera‖ is still very cautiously evaluating Russia's advancements on international scene, addressing Estonia's Russian-speaking residents and aiming at forming their national self-identification closer to Baltic state's residents.en
dc.publisherTartu Ülikoolet
dc.titleVenemaa ja venelaste kujutamine ETV2 "Aktuaalse kaamera" saadetes 2009. aastalet


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