Towards Practical Post-Quantum Voting Protocol: Shorter Exact Lattice-Based Proof of a Shuffle
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Tartu Ülikool
Electronic voting solutions are built on complex cryptographic tools to guarantee security
and fairness. Currently, those tools are based on hardness assumptions of discrete
logarithm, factorization and other classical problems. While they are hard to break
in classical computers, there are efficient quantum algorithms to solve using quantum
computers of the near future. Thus, there is a need to develop voting protocols that are
resistant to quantum attacks.
Verifiable shuffling based voting systems are a popular use-case of mix-networks first
proposed by Chaum four decades ago [Cha81] as a general tool for building anonymous
communication systems. A decade later the quantum threat was known and since then
only a few studies searched for post-quantum secure mix-nets. Recently, Costa, Martinez
and Morillo introduced new arguments of shuffle for RLWE ciphertexts and how to prove
the correctness of the shuffling without leaking sensitive info [CMM17]. In this thesis,
we provide exact, shorter proof of Costa et al.’s lattice-based shuffling arguments. As a
result, we obtain a practical non-interactive zero-knowledge proof having a runtime of 1
second per voter.
Post-quantum cryptography, lattice based cryptography, mix net, secure voting