Lepinguvabaduse piirid riigihankes: Euroopa Liidu hankeõiguse mõju Eesti eraõigusele
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Doktoritöö uurib Euroopa Liidu hankeõiguse mõju Eesti eraõigusele. Traditsiooniliselt on Eesti õigus juhindunud reeglist, et hankelepingud alluvad ilma oluliste eranditeta eraõiguse normidele. Käesoleva töö autor aga leiab, et ka pärast lepingu sõlmimise momenti kujundavad hanke eraõiguslike suhete regulatsiooni siseriikliku eraõiguse kõrval Euroopa Liidu (EL) õiguses kujundatud riigihanke üldpõhimõtted. Vastuolu korral riigisisese eraõiguse normide ja riigihanke üldpõhimõtete vahel on ülimuslikud viimased.
Töös analüüsis autor Euroopa Liidu hankeõiguse ja riigisisese eraõiguse koosmõju avaldumist nendes olukordades, kus selline koosmõju autori hinnangul kõige ilmekamalt avaldub. Selleks on eraõigusliku lepinguvabaduse piirangud hankelepingu sisustamisel ja muutmisel ning lepingueelsete suhete rikkumise mõju sõlmitud hankelepingu kehtivusele.
Analüüsi tulemusel antakse doktoritöös soovitusi hankelepingu tingimuste kohaseks sisustamiseks ja käsitletakse sotsiaalsete eritingimuste kasutamise võimalust nn sekundaarsetel eesmärkidel. Hankelepingu eelsetes suhetes toimunud rikkumise korral soovitab autor lepingu kehtivuse/kehtetuse senisest paindlikumat käsitlemist, erandina aga hankelepingu ennetähtaegse lõpetamise võimalust. Kõige ilmekamalt iseloomustavad riigisisese eraõiguse, avaliku huvi ning EL hankeõiguse suhestumist hanke eraõiguslikes suhetes hankelepingu muutmise vabadus ja sellel lasuvad piirangud. Ideaalis peaks lepingu muutmise vabadust reguleerivate normide eesmärk olema mõistliku tasakaalu saavutamine avaliku huvi, hankeõiguse üldpõhimõtete ja lepinguvabaduse vahel. Seda aga Eesti riigihangete seaduse praegu kehtiva regulatsiooni järgi ei võimalda. Töös antakse soovitusi hankelepingu muutmise enam tasakaalustatud regulatsiooni saavutamiseks.
This thesis aims to establish the presence of influence of EU procurement law and the hierarchy between different applicable legal regimes in private law relations of procurement. In order to achieve that purpose, the author studied the most characteristic features of private law relations in procurement, i.e. the impact of procurement law on different aspects of contractual freedom: the extremely limited pre-contractual freedom and the related compiling of procurement contract terms; the pursuit of secondary purposes through special contract terms in procure¬ment; the consequences of a breach in the contract award stage upon the validity of contract and the case of contract amendments. All procurement contracts are subject to the general principles of procurement even though the applicable private law is within the competency of the national legislator. In case of conflict between national private law and applicable EC procurement law, the latter is superior to the former. However, if a conflict occurs between national private law and national procurement regulation not based on EC principles, the conflict must be solved on a case-by-case basis and the result may well be the opposite. The study provides suggestions concerning drafting of procurement contract terms and proposes amendments to the Estonian PPA in order to facilitate pursuit of secondary purposes through special contract terms. Concerning the influence of breaches occurring in pre-contractual rela-tions in procurement, the author suggests a more flexibly approach towards contract validity and termination. The conflicting nature of different legal regimes in private law relations of procurement is best illustrated by rules applicable to amending procurement contracts. Here, the regulation should aim at achieving a reasonable balance between rules of EC procurement law, national private law and public interests. The author concludes that at present Estonian PPA does not meet the aim of such balance, and suggests amendments to the law in this respect.
This thesis aims to establish the presence of influence of EU procurement law and the hierarchy between different applicable legal regimes in private law relations of procurement. In order to achieve that purpose, the author studied the most characteristic features of private law relations in procurement, i.e. the impact of procurement law on different aspects of contractual freedom: the extremely limited pre-contractual freedom and the related compiling of procurement contract terms; the pursuit of secondary purposes through special contract terms in procure¬ment; the consequences of a breach in the contract award stage upon the validity of contract and the case of contract amendments. All procurement contracts are subject to the general principles of procurement even though the applicable private law is within the competency of the national legislator. In case of conflict between national private law and applicable EC procurement law, the latter is superior to the former. However, if a conflict occurs between national private law and national procurement regulation not based on EC principles, the conflict must be solved on a case-by-case basis and the result may well be the opposite. The study provides suggestions concerning drafting of procurement contract terms and proposes amendments to the Estonian PPA in order to facilitate pursuit of secondary purposes through special contract terms. Concerning the influence of breaches occurring in pre-contractual rela-tions in procurement, the author suggests a more flexibly approach towards contract validity and termination. The conflicting nature of different legal regimes in private law relations of procurement is best illustrated by rules applicable to amending procurement contracts. Here, the regulation should aim at achieving a reasonable balance between rules of EC procurement law, national private law and public interests. The author concludes that at present Estonian PPA does not meet the aim of such balance, and suggests amendments to the law in this respect.
doktoritööd, õigusteadus, Euroopa Liit, hankeõigus