The Development of Biracial Identities in Zadie Smith’s Novel Swing Time and in the UK Today
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This thesis aims to explore the development of biracial identities in Zadie Smith’s novel Swing Time and compare it to studies into and personal stories on the topic in the
United Kingdom. The thesis leans on sociological and psychological studies on biracial identity development, comparing them to the fictional experiences of the two main characters. The thesis consists of an introduction, literature review, analysis and conclusion. Introduction fives a short overview of the topic and thesis; the literature review explores studies done on the topic as well as literature and real-life experiences. The
analysis compares segments of the novel to studies and real-life experiences discussed in the literature review. An overview of the findings is given in the conclusion. By analysing the journey of the two main characters in the novel, this thesis delves into how they manage to find themselves, their place in society and how they shape their biracial identity.
This comparison and close reading reveal the similarities and differences between real-world dynamics and literary depiction. The influence of family, community, and cultural attitudes on identity development, along with the intersections of race, class, and gender, are important areas of attention. The thesis emphasises the continuous process of identity development within a multicultural society, arguing that Swing Time not only reflects but also critiques and enhances our knowledge of mixed-race identity.
Smith, Zadie, inglise keel, identiteet, tekstianalüüs