Традиции и инновации в русской поэзии второй половины 1830-х гг.: количественное исследование
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Digitaalsed humanitaarteadused, kaasaegne teadusvaldkond, kus arvutid abistavad humanitaarteaduslikke uuringuid, tõotasid kunagi kirjandusteaduses revolutsiooni. Raamatute digiteerimine ja nende analüüsimine masinlike meetoditega pidid võimaldama tuhandete sõnatekstide lugemist mõne minutiga. Kuid kas arvutid tõesti aitavad analüüsida kirjandustekste ja kas juurdepääs tohutule Raamatukogule mõjutab kirjandusloo ümbermõtestamist? Käesolevas doktoritöös käsitletakse neid küsimusi, keskendudes vene luule ajaloo üsna lühikesele väheuuritud perioodile: 1835–1840.aastad, mida peetakse vene kirjanduse „kuldajastu“ lõpuks. Teadlaste hinnangud 1830. aastate luule kohta on erinevad: mõned kirjeldavad neid luuletusi kui varasemate eeskujulike tekstide kohmakaid koopiaid, teised aga kujutavad 1830. aastate luuletajaid kui oskamatuid, kuid sihikindlaid uuendajaid, kes hävitasid „klassikalise“ luulestiili. Selle materjali uuesti läbivaatamiseks koguti suur ning mahukas korpus, mis hõlmas 4797 luuletust ja mis avaldati trükis 1835–1840. aastatel. Need andmed võimaldasid uurida, millised muutused toimusid selle aja luulekeeles värsi formaalsel (mõõdetaval) tasandil: näiteks sõnade kasutamise või riimiklauslite tasandil.
Uuring näitas, et uuenduslikkuse ja traditsiooni säilitamise tendentsid eksisteerivad luules kõrvuti. Ühest küljest ei sarnane 1830. aastate luuletused varasemalt loodud tekstidega: algoritmid eristavad neid kergesti sõnakasutuse, värsimõõtude ning riimide muutuste järgi. Teisisõnu, 1835-1840. aastate luuletused ei ole lihtsad ja igavad imitatsioonid. Samas aga on mõned luulekeele aspektid konservatiivsed, mis ilmneb näiteks žanrite ja meetrumite kasutamise traditsioonis. Seega võime järeldada, et tõde peitub kusagil keskel: 1830. aastate luuletajad ei jäljendanud pimesi minevikku, kuid ei hävitanud ka täielikult kuldajastu pärandit. Samamoodi ei vii suured tekstikorpused ja arvutimeetodid kohese revolutsioonini, kuid need annavad tugeva aluse statistiliselt usaldusväärseteks uuringuteks humanitaarteaduste vallas.
Digital Humanities—a modern field where computers assist humanities research—once promised a revolution in literary studies. With digitisation and machine learning, it offered the chance to examine thousands of books in minutes, not years. But how can computers help analyse literary texts, and does access to a larger “library” allow us to rethink literary history? This dissertation addresses these questions focusing on a short under-studied period in Russian poetry: 1835 to 1840, considered the end of “the Golden Age”. Scholarly assessments of 1830s poetry vary: some describe these poems as ponderous copies of earlier exemplary texts, while others portray the 1830s poets as unskilled yet determined innovators who disrupted the “classical” poetic style. To reassess the place of the late 1830s poetry, this study compiled a large, unbiased corpus of 4,797 lyrical poems printed between 1835 and 1840. By analysing quantifiable features of poems, such as word frequencies and rhyme endings statistics, the dissertation asks which changes in the poetic language are traceable on the level of “poetic population”. Data reveals both innovation and retention in the poetry of this period. On the one hand, the poetry of the mid- and late 1830s is different enough from earlier texts on formal levels: an algorithm can distinguish 1830s texts based on word, meter, or rhyme frequencies. In other words, these poems are far from mere imitations. On the other hand, certain features of poetic style remain conservative, such as the poetic genres and their connections to specific meters. Thus, the truth lies somewhere between the contrasting opinions about this period in poetic history: neither did the 1830s poets blindly imitate the past, nor did they disrupt the “Golden age’s” legacy. Similarly, while studying a larger corpus computationally does not bring about a revolution, statistical reasoning at the population level can provide a stable ground for further humanities inquiry.
Digital Humanities—a modern field where computers assist humanities research—once promised a revolution in literary studies. With digitisation and machine learning, it offered the chance to examine thousands of books in minutes, not years. But how can computers help analyse literary texts, and does access to a larger “library” allow us to rethink literary history? This dissertation addresses these questions focusing on a short under-studied period in Russian poetry: 1835 to 1840, considered the end of “the Golden Age”. Scholarly assessments of 1830s poetry vary: some describe these poems as ponderous copies of earlier exemplary texts, while others portray the 1830s poets as unskilled yet determined innovators who disrupted the “classical” poetic style. To reassess the place of the late 1830s poetry, this study compiled a large, unbiased corpus of 4,797 lyrical poems printed between 1835 and 1840. By analysing quantifiable features of poems, such as word frequencies and rhyme endings statistics, the dissertation asks which changes in the poetic language are traceable on the level of “poetic population”. Data reveals both innovation and retention in the poetry of this period. On the one hand, the poetry of the mid- and late 1830s is different enough from earlier texts on formal levels: an algorithm can distinguish 1830s texts based on word, meter, or rhyme frequencies. In other words, these poems are far from mere imitations. On the other hand, certain features of poetic style remain conservative, such as the poetic genres and their connections to specific meters. Thus, the truth lies somewhere between the contrasting opinions about this period in poetic history: neither did the 1830s poets blindly imitate the past, nor did they disrupt the “Golden age’s” legacy. Similarly, while studying a larger corpus computationally does not bring about a revolution, statistical reasoning at the population level can provide a stable ground for further humanities inquiry.