Turunduskommunikatsioonitegevuste analüüs OÜ Ülemiste Autoteenindus näitel
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Tartu Ülikool
An analysis of the activities of marketing communications in the example of
OÜ Ülemiste Autoteenindus
The bachelor thesis focuses on the marketing communications of micro organizations and
examines it by using the example of a micro organization OÜ Ülemiste Autoteenindus. The
author of the bachelor thesis is a member of the organization’s management board and is
responsible for marketing and communications in that company. The reason for choosing the
topic of marketing communications of micro organizations for the bachelor thesis lies in
insufficient literature that would approach the subject from this particular angle and also, in
the author’s practical need to learn more information regarding the planning of marketing
communications of micro organizations. OÜ Ülemiste Autoteenindus is a start-up micro
organization and so far, no marketing communications has been knowingly carried out. Thus,
the questions of how to approach marketing communications of a micro organization and
what to keep in mind upon planning arose. In Estonia approximately 80% of all organizations
are micro organizations and therefore, the present thesis may prove useful for others when
developing a plan for marketing communications.
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to prepare a marketing communications plan for OÜ
Ülemiste Autoteenindus on theoretical bases, to carry out the planned activities and analyze
the effectiveness and suitability of the chosen methods of communications in the example of
that particular micro organization. In order to achieve the aim, the following tasks were
1. to analyze the organization and describe its options of marketing communications;
2. to prepare a plan for activities of marketing communications on the basis of theoretical
presumptions and the description of the organization;
3. to carry out the activities of marketing communications and analyze their
4. to present conclusions which to keep in mind when planning activities of marketing
communications in the future.
The theoretical part of the bachelor thesis explains the notions of marketing communications,
micro organization, channels and means of marketing communications and presents starting
points for a plan of marketing communications in the context of a micro organization.
The first task of the bachelor thesis describes the organization, the service it provides and the
bases for carrying out marketing communications. OÜ Ülemiste Autoteenindus is an
organization that provides maintenance and repair works for Volvo vehicles and whose
mission is to offer the best service and customer experience to the owners of older Volvos.
The goal of the organization is to position itself as a trustworthy and customer friendly service
provider and to become an accepted partner of owners of Volvo cars that are two or more
years old in Tallinn and Harju County.
As the second task of the thesis, a plan for activities of marketing communications was
drafted on the basis of the description of the organization. The main purpose of marketing
communications is notification – to increase awareness of the organization and distribute
information as to the services offered. The channels and means to achieve those goals were a
homepage, personal sale, unification of visual identity, outdoor media, sales promotion and
direct marketing.
As the third task, the plan for activities of marketing communications was carried out in OÜ
Ülemiste Autoteenindus and with the use of the method of self analysis the effectiveness of
the implied methods was analyzed. The weaknesses of the plan were insufficient analysis of
the context, too broad and inadequately descriptive specification of target groups, incomplete
messages, purposes, strategy and information as to which channels and means were chosen to
achieve which purpose and to deliver which message. Also, there was no risk analysis,
budget, schedule or application and no assessment of the fulfilment of the purpose of the plan,
respective criteria or control.
As the forth task, the plan for activities of marketing communications that was carried out was
assessed based on results and theoretical points and in order to carry out activities of
marketing communications in the future a correction plan for the activities of marketing
communications was prepared based on the experience gained. The pervious mistakes were
avoided in the correction plan and it may be used as an example also by other micro
organizations when planning their activities of marketing communications.
The next step would be to implement the correction plan for the activities of marketing
communications and analyze its results and effectiveness in the context of OÜ Ülemiste
Autoteenindus in order to establish the accuracy of the correction plan in achieving its goals.