Kutseõppeasutuste imago potentsiaalsete ja praeguste õpilaste hulgas
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Vocational education is an important part of Estonian education system but it has a
negative reputation in Estonia. In order to balance education system and labour
market, the people’s attitude towards vocational education should be changed more
positive. The image of vocational schools among publics influences the attitude to
vocational education but the opinions do not necessarily reflect reality. The study
and analysis of image gives knowledge of how different publics see vocational
schools. Having an overview of the present image, the specialists of public
relations will be able to change it with the help of public relations exercise.
The aim of the present thesis is to give an overview and analyse the image of
vocational schools among its present and future students and find reasons behind
the development of the present image.
The thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter gives an overview of the
theory of publics and the treatment of image by different authors. Also, the present
situation of vocational schools and studies conducted on it are discussed. The
second chapter describes the study carried out. The third chapter discusses study
methods and interviewees, and the results of the study are given. The fourth
chapter includes main conclusions of the study and a discussion.
In the present thesis the study methods are Osgood´s semantical differentiation
method and a questionnaire.
The students of vocational school describe the image of the school as developing,
open, rising and growing. The students of general education school describe it as
equal, developing and open. The students of Miina Härma Gymnasium associate vocational school with the words strange and scaring off. The students of Tartu
Forselius Gymnasium characterise vocational school as developing, open, growing,
friendly and rising.
The main result of this thesis is that general education is orientated for higher
education. Most of the pupils want to continue their studies in higher school and
therefore it is possible to make a conclusion that general education schools increase
beliefs among pupils that higher education is better than vocational education.
H Social Sciences (General), bakalaureusetööd