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Töös uuriti meemide osa füüsikaliste teadmiste kandjatena. Selleks intervjueeriti nelja eksperti ja intervjuusid modelleeriti lausendipõhiselt ja UML modelleerimiskeele abil. Intervjuude analüüsi ja sünteesi tulemusena pakkus töö autor välja omapoolse meemi mustri käsitluse: uuritava nähtuse (meemi / mustri) sisu tuleb käsitleda mustrina (kui objekti) ja käitumist tuleb käsitleda meemi (kui subjekti) käitumisena. Analoogilise mustrina on toodud subjekti ja objekti vaheline muster – subjekti objektina käsitledes ei uurita objekti käitumist ja objekti subjektina käsitledes ei uurita objekti sisu. Sisu mõttes on meem muster, käitumise aspektist käitub meem subjektina. Töös kavandati ja korraldati teadmise-edastuse ahelkatse, et uurida teadmiste ja arusaamade vahendamist füüsikas. Analüüsiks kasutati UML keelt. Edasi vaadeldi füüsika alaste mõistete (sisu meemide) muutumist ja analüüsiti meemides asetleidvate muutuste mustreid, kaasaarvatud protsessi meeme. Ühe üldistatud tulemusena toodi esile, et ahelkatses esinenud meemid arenesid omasoodu, ehkki meemide vahelised seosed (näiteks mõistete definitsioonide vahel) eeldaksid meemide arenemist meempleksina.
In this thesis the role of memes as carriers of physics information was studied. For this, four experts were interviewed. Interviews were modeled using UML and accompanied with descriptive sentences. A meme pattern was proposed as the result of the analysis - to describe what is a pattern and who is a meme. The essence of the meme/pattern phenomenon is to be dealt with as a pattern (as an object) and that the behaviour should be dealt with as a meme (as a subject). An analogy is given using the subject and object pattern – while a subject is considered as an object, the behaviour of an object is not investigated. A knowledge-exchange chain experiment was devised and carried out to investigate the communication and exchange of information in physics. UML was used for analysis. The development of physics concepts was observed and meme change patterns were analysed, including memes of processes. It was observed, that the memes in the experiment evolved independently, although the dependencies between some of these memes - dependencies between concept definitions - would suggest evolving as a memeplex.
In this thesis the role of memes as carriers of physics information was studied. For this, four experts were interviewed. Interviews were modeled using UML and accompanied with descriptive sentences. A meme pattern was proposed as the result of the analysis - to describe what is a pattern and who is a meme. The essence of the meme/pattern phenomenon is to be dealt with as a pattern (as an object) and that the behaviour should be dealt with as a meme (as a subject). An analogy is given using the subject and object pattern – while a subject is considered as an object, the behaviour of an object is not investigated. A knowledge-exchange chain experiment was devised and carried out to investigate the communication and exchange of information in physics. UML was used for analysis. The development of physics concepts was observed and meme change patterns were analysed, including memes of processes. It was observed, that the memes in the experiment evolved independently, although the dependencies between some of these memes - dependencies between concept definitions - would suggest evolving as a memeplex.
Teadusmagistritöö füüsika erialal
magistritööd, meemid, ahelkatse, õppimine, füüsika