210Pb in Estonian air: long term study of activity concentrations and origin of radioactive lead
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Maa sees on tema sünnist saadik mitmeid radioaktiivseid materjale, mis lagunevad millekski uueks, mis laguneb omakorda millekski järgmiseks, mis laguneb omakorda millekski jne. Niisuguste radioaktiivsete lagunemisridade elemente nimetatakse nende järjekorra alusel emanukliidideks ja tütarnukliidideks. Üks tuntumaid lagunemisrea liikmeid on radoon, mis oma gaasilise oleku tõttu maapinnast õhku rännata suudab ning mille kogunemist eluruumidesse võimalikult palju pärssida püütakse. Vähem räägitakse radooni tütardest, kelle kurikuulsus samuti radooni nime alla koondatud on. Üks neist tütarnukliididest on plii ehk täpsemalt plii 210 ehk 210Pb. “210” tähistab kindlat tüüpi pliituumade massi ehk neutronite ja prootonite koguarvu tuumas. 210Pb on kasulik abivahend keskkonnas toimuvate transpordiprotsesside uurimisel, järvesetete vanuse määramisel ning samuti radooni ja kõigi tema tütarde kiirgusmõju hindamisel. Neiks töödeks on aga eelnevalt vaja teada 210Pb igapäevast kogust meie elukeskkonnas, sh välisõhus.
Käesoleva töö raames koguti iganädalasi õhuproove ning analüüsiti 210Pb sisaldust Tõravere, Narva-Jõesuu ja Harku välisõhus, tulemused on antud aastate 2001-2008 kohta. 210Pb kogust õhus mõõdetakse ühikutes Bq/m3, mis näitab, kui palju radioaktiivseid lagunemisi ühe sekundi jooksul ühes kuupmeetris õhus juhtub. Kuna kogused on väikesed, peame kasutama eesliidet “milli-“ ehk ühikuks saab mBq/m3. Tulemused: Tõraveres 0,12 mBq/m3 kuni 2,77 mBq/m3, Narva-Jõesuus 0,08 mBq/m3 kuni 2,53 mBq/m3, Harkus 0,01 mBq/m3 kuni 2,16 mBq/m3. Väärtused muutuvad väga suurtes piirides, mis mujal maailmas saadud tulemustega võrreldes ning õhumasside liikumisi arvesse võttes ongi täiesti tavaline. Uuriti ka, kust 210Pb meile saabuda võiks ning selleks arvutati ülemaailmse andmebaasi (NOAA USA-s) abil õhu liikumise trajektoorid, mis koondusid proovide kogumispunktidesse. Koondtulemus näitas, et nii Tõraverre, Narva-Jõesuusse kui ka Harkusse saabub 210Pb-rikas õhk idast ja kagust ning 210Pb-vaene õhk läänest. Seda põhjendatakse asjaoluga, et maismaa kohal on 210Pb sisaldus oluliselt suurem kui merel.
Earth has always been slightly radioactive, and in its crust there’s many radioactive materials whose atoms decay to some other atoms, which decay to something else, which again decay, etc. This is called a radioactive decay series, and its elements are called mother and daughter nuclides, according to their order of appearance. One of the known elements is radon, which due to its gaseous character escapes the ground and becomes airborne. Less atteantion is given to the fact that while in the air, radon decays to many daughter nuclides, one of which is lead, 210Pb. Here “210” notes that every atom of this Pb has altogether 210 protons and neutrons in it. 210Pb is useful tool for analysing transportation processes taking place in the environment, determining the age of soil and sediments, estimating the radiation dose given to human by radon and its daughters, etc. For those things to be possible, first the baseline of 210Pb concentration in the environment, also in the atmospheric air, is needed. In this study 210Pb concentration in three locations in Estonia has been determined for every week in years 2001-2008. 210Pb concentrations are measured in Bq/m3 which shows how many radioactive decays can happen during one second in one m3 of air. Since the concentrations are small we need to add prefix “milli-“, making it 1000 times smaller. Results are: in Tõravere 0.12 mBq/m3 – 2.77 mBq/m3, in Narva-Jõesuu 0.08 mBq/m3 – 2.53 mBq/m3, in Harku 0.01 mBq/m3 – 2.16 mBq/m3. Large variability in this case is usual, if to compare the results with data from around the world, and take into account the characteristics of air movement. Possible origin of 210Pb was studied using worldwide database for air data (NOAA, USA), air parcel trajectories suggest that 210Pb-rich air comes to us with continental air from East and Southeast, while low 210Pb concentrations arrive with marine air-masses from West.
Earth has always been slightly radioactive, and in its crust there’s many radioactive materials whose atoms decay to some other atoms, which decay to something else, which again decay, etc. This is called a radioactive decay series, and its elements are called mother and daughter nuclides, according to their order of appearance. One of the known elements is radon, which due to its gaseous character escapes the ground and becomes airborne. Less atteantion is given to the fact that while in the air, radon decays to many daughter nuclides, one of which is lead, 210Pb. Here “210” notes that every atom of this Pb has altogether 210 protons and neutrons in it. 210Pb is useful tool for analysing transportation processes taking place in the environment, determining the age of soil and sediments, estimating the radiation dose given to human by radon and its daughters, etc. For those things to be possible, first the baseline of 210Pb concentration in the environment, also in the atmospheric air, is needed. In this study 210Pb concentration in three locations in Estonia has been determined for every week in years 2001-2008. 210Pb concentrations are measured in Bq/m3 which shows how many radioactive decays can happen during one second in one m3 of air. Since the concentrations are small we need to add prefix “milli-“, making it 1000 times smaller. Results are: in Tõravere 0.12 mBq/m3 – 2.77 mBq/m3, in Narva-Jõesuu 0.08 mBq/m3 – 2.53 mBq/m3, in Harku 0.01 mBq/m3 – 2.16 mBq/m3. Large variability in this case is usual, if to compare the results with data from around the world, and take into account the characteristics of air movement. Possible origin of 210Pb was studied using worldwide database for air data (NOAA, USA), air parcel trajectories suggest that 210Pb-rich air comes to us with continental air from East and Southeast, while low 210Pb concentrations arrive with marine air-masses from West.
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õhuseire, plii, isotoobid, pikaajalised uuringud, Eesti, air monitoring, lead (metal), isotopes, longitudinal researches, Estonia