1990. aastate alguses Soome emigreerunud Eesti naised: kultuuriline kohanemine ja barjäärid
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Tartu Ülikool
The aim of the Bachelor thesis “Cultural adaption and barriers based on Estonian women
emigration to Finland in the beginning of 90ies” is to study differest phases of the
cultural adaption and to find out if there were any barriers distinguished during the
To study the topic I conducted interviews with 8 women during the period march – april
2010 and collected material enabled to find the answers to the main questions of the
The empirical part of the study showed that although Soviet Estonia was closed to the
western world, it was common that Estonians had contacts with the people from different
countries and the intercultural communication was highly esteemed and practiced.
Contacts were actively arranged and although interviewees don`t mention that the
movement abroad was planned they don`t deny it as well.
All interviewees were opened to the new culture and adaption and it was shown by
learning the native language fast and wish to be as similar to the Finnish nation as
possible. Additionally Estonians were open-minded and positively disposed to the Finns
although the stereotypes and the contacts through media hadn`t been quite positive since
The research showed that very important role in adaption was on social and political
events which took place in Estonia in the beginning of 90ies. Partly the emigratioin to
Finland can be handled as the possibility to ”run away” from the social changes in
Estonia. As the adaption period in Finland is now conquered Estionians have quite
critical views to Estonian life and Estonians nowadays.
The main barriers in the adaption were based on different value judgements which were
common in Estonia and Finland during the period of emigration. Estonians felt mainly
differences in commonly accepted value judgments. There were collective values
appreciated in Estonia based on the Soviet polity in the 90ies. On the contrary there was
very individualistic polity in the Finland during that time which was characterized by
superficiality in social relations and high formality. To exceed the barrier of different
value judgments Estonians have accepted the Finland highly individualistic society but
they feel more common values with Russians and other foreigners in Finland.
bakalaureusetööd, kultuuridevaheline kommunikatsioon, väljaränne, kohanemisraskused, kultuuriline identiteet, eestlased, naised, Soome, 1990-ndad