Doonorluse tõlgendus Tallinna doonorite ja mittedoonorite seas

dc.contributor.authorSoonik, Mart
dc.descriptionThe purpose of the given research was to find meaningful values and arguments to important target groups of the communication of blood donation - donors and non-donors. The current communication of the Blood service is calling upon altruism, representing blood donation as an anonymous favour to someone in need. The first issue of the research is what motivates donors - whether simply altruism or also pragmatic reasons. The second issue is what discourages non-donors, what kind of prejudice is stopping them from becoming a donor. The third issue is concentrated on communication: how is it possible, with the help of informing and appreciative communication (e.g. symbolic gifts), to motivate donors and non-donors. The research is based on former standardized queries and unstandardized interviews. The first practical conclusion is that blood donors do not need overwhelming flood of information. They are motivated by other factors. There are a lot more rational reasons why people would choose to donate blood. One clear example is the thought that the person himself might need it someday. Another thought that cannot be considered altruistic in any way is that with the help of giving away blood a person can keep an eye on his health or exchange his old blood for new good one. In the given answers there can rather be seen a wish to set oneself on a higher level compared to others, feel oneself as a good person and get clear profit from it. It can also be seen that people start donating blood because of social pressure. The reason is not only a feeling of consciousness that drives them. The present given for blood donation is definitely of some importance (that was proved with the help of the experiment), although because of politeness people did not want to overestimate its importance. When questions were directed directly at the presents though, the value of these was altogether denied. When people are asked to choose and evaluate the presents, they were considered very nice, useful and allowing exposure even though the text on these was very donor exalting. People were very eager to show the presents to others and nobody gave up his present with such beautiful message on it. Among non-donors the fact was proven that overcoming fears and oppressing myths should remain one of the priorities of the communication of Blood Centers. The fear of getting AIDS is a clear sing of lack of information. The research done by the Estonian Institute of Economic Research shows that the lack of information is greater in Russian than in Estonian. More emphasis should be put on overthrowing myths among Russian-speaking inhabitants of northeastern Estonia with lower income. These conclusions were confirmed by my qualitative research.
dc.identifierSoonik, Mart (2005) Doonorluse tõlgendus Tallinna doonorite ja mittedoonorite seas. Other thesis, Tartu Ülikool.
dc.subjectH Social Sciences (General)
dc.titleDoonorluse tõlgendus Tallinna doonorite ja mittedoonorite seas


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