Immune markers in major depression and in antidepressive treatment



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The purposes of this study were to find associations between depression, depressive symptoms and soluble interleukine- 2 receptor (sIL-2R), tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and anti thyroid peroxidise auto-antibodies (anti-TPO). We investigated the acute and chronic effects of selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor, escitalopram, alone and in combination with bupropion on serum levels of interleukin-8 (IL-8), sIL-2R and TNFα in patients with major depression. In addition, we explored whether serum cytokine concentrations and/or anti-TPO positivity can predict treatment response to antidepressants. The levels of TNF-α were lower in currently depressed subjects compared with euthymic subjects in the study cohort. MDD patients with previous antidepressive treatment had significantly lower levels of TNF-α than drug-naïve patients and HC. There were different patterns of changes in the levels of sIL-2R in responders and non-responders to escitalopram treatment. Treatment with escitalopram had no significant effect on the levels of IL-8 and TNF-α. Augmentation of escitalopram treatment with bupropion caused a significant increase in IL-8 serum concentrations during 6 weeks of augmentation therapy. There was no effect on the levels of sIL-2R and TNF-α. The lower baseline TNF-α level was found in the responder group in the escitalopram treatment phase. There was a trend for higher frequency of baseline anti-TPO positive cases in female non-responders to escitalopram monotherapy as compared with responders. There were no significant differences in the levels of thyroid hormones (particularly, total T3, free T3, freeT4, and TSH) between female responders and non-responders.
Käesoleva uurimuse eesmärgiks oli seoste leidmine depressiooni, depressiivsete sümptomite ja lahustuva interleukiin-2 retseptori (sIL-2R), tuumor-nekroosfaktor alfa (TNF-α) ning türoid-peroksidaasi autoantikehade vahel (anti-TPO). Me uurisime ka selektiivse serotoniini tagasihaarde inhibiitori, estsitalopraami lühi- ja pikaajalist mõju seerumi interleukiin-8-le (IL-8), sIL-2R-le ja TNFα depressiivsetel patsientidel monoteraapias ja kombinatsioonis bupropiooniga. Lisaks selgitasime, kas seerumi tsütokiinide kontsentratsioon ja/või anti-TPO positiivsus võib ennustada ravivastust antidepressandile. Depressiivsetel patsientidel oli madalam TNF-α tase võrreldes eutüümsete isikutega. Depressioonipatsientidel, kes olid eelnevalt elu jooksul saanud antidepressantravi, oli oluliselt madalam TNF-α tase kui tervetel kontrollisikutel ja eelneva ravita patsientidel. sIL-2R muutused olid erinevad estsitalopraamravile reageerinud ja mittereageerinud patsientidel. Ravi estsitalopraamiga ei mõjutanud oluliselt IL-8 ja TNF-α taset. Estsitalopraami kombineerimine bupropiooniga 6 nädala vältel põhjustas IL-8 taseme tõusu seerumis, sIL-2R ja TNF-α. kontsentratsioonid oluliselt ei muutunud. Ravieelne TNF-α tase oli estsitalopraamravile reageerinud patsientidel madalam kui raviresistentsetel isikutel. Esines tendents, et raviresistentsete naispatsientide hulgas oli enam anti-TPO positiivseid isikuid kui ravile reageerinute hulgas. Naispatsientide ja tervete naiste vahel ei ilmnenud erinevust türoidhormoonide osas (täpsemalt kogu T3, vaba T3, vaba T4 ja TSH).


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