Valitsuse reformikommunikatsiooni edukuse tegurid

dc.contributor.authorPõiklik, Priit
dc.descriptionThe object of the survey in this master thesis is governmental communication in the years 1999-2002; the communication practice of the government has been explored. Communication goes with the political process even though the participants do not define it consciously any moment. The work is dedicated to concrete factors of successful communication during the reformation period. There are two cases that have been explored in the work – administrative reform and the second stage of pension. These cases have been chosen due to their fame, attention from the media and because of the possibility to decide whether the corresponding communication was good or bad. The bases for the theoretical approaches to the survey are communication theories and main grounds of the political culture. In the theoretical part of the work the most general communication models and roles are explained. Besides these coherent groups and the theory of the competitive fields are mentioned. The description of the object of survey includes governmental communication as a part of political communication. This part contains information about development of Estonian governmental communication in the years 1992-2003. Two communication cases are described – administrative reform and the second stage of pension. The 4th part of the work contains questions, the answers for them offers the thesis. The 5th chapter describes the methods of the research. Extra parts of the chapter are dedicated to the methodical analysis of the governmental messages. Besides that the usage of the interviews in this work and participatory observation as a method have been justified in this chapter. The 6th chapter is the biggest one and it includes the results of the work. It is divided into 3 parts, the first of them includes the facts about administrative reform, the second – the results of the analysis of the 2nd stage of pension and the third includes the comparative analysis of the results. The 7th chapter is dedicated to the conclusions and discussions. The conclusions are brought in the comparative form. These are connected with the theoretical part of the work and go with the assessment of their effectiveness. The thesis gives answers to the following questions: 1. What kind of communication model was used in the reform? 2. Did the messages of the governmental communication legitimate its work? 3. Did the communication of the reform include its connection democratic political processes, general interests and political consensus in the government? 4. Did the reform take into consideration its coherent and aiming groups, their interests and communication with them? 5. What facts made the communication of the reform successful / unsuccessful?
dc.identifierPõiklik, Priit (2005) Valitsuse reformikommunikatsiooni edukuse tegurid. Masters thesis, Tartu Ülikool.
dc.subjectH Social Sciences (General)
dc.titleValitsuse reformikommunikatsiooni edukuse tegurid


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