A Framework for Asynchronous Dialogue Systems: Concepts, Issues and Design Aspects
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Doktoritöö kuulub keeletehnoloogia valdkonda ja käsitleb dialoogsüsteeme. Dialoogsüsteemiks nimetatakse programmi, mis suhtleb kasutajaga loomulikus keeles. Doktoritöös realiseeriti nn. asünkroonsete dialoogsüsteemide (ADS) raamistik - taaskasutatavad tarkvaralised komponendid, mida saab kasutada tekstipõhiste, kasutajaga loomulikus keeles üle Interneti suhtlevate dialoogsüsteemide loomisel. Eeskätt on arvestatud eestikeelse suhtlusega, kuid enamik mooduleid on püütud teha keelest sõltumatuks, et raamistik oleks hõlpsasti ülekantav ka teistele keeltele. Väitekirjas töötati välja suhtlusmudel, mille aluseks võeti kaks uudset, senistes raamistikes rakendamata põhimõtet: 1) asünkroonne suhtlus, kus arvuti ei pea passiivselt ootama kasutaja järgmist vooru, vaid võib jätkata info andmist (nii, nagu see toimub inimeste vahel näiteks Interneti jututubades); 2) inimabi võimalus: süsteemi administraator saab vajadusel sekkuda info andmisse, abistades dialoogsüsteemi raskemate päringute analüüsil ja neile vastuste leidmisel. Lisaks eeltoodule on ADS raamistiku olulisemad erinevused olemasolevate raamistikega võrreldes veel keelest sõltumatu lahendus õigekirja kontrollimiseks ja kasutaja sisendis leiduvate võimalike kirjavigade automaatseks parandamiseks ning keelest sõltumatu lahendus sõnade järjekorra ignoreerimiseks, mis ühelt poolt annab võimaluse loobuda kasutaja sisendi süntaktilisest analüüsist ning teisalt lihtsustab teadmusbaasi lisatavate reeglite struktuuri. ADS raamistikus on autor loonud kaks dialoogsüsteemi kahes erinevas ainevaldkonnas.
A dialogue system is a type of user interface (UI) where linguistic phenomena such as verbs, phrases and clauses act as UI controls for selecting data in software applications. In addition, the dialogue system is intended to converse with a human, with a coherent structure. Such an interaction involves the basic properties of human conversation, including turn-taking, initiative, significant silence and even manners. The most frequent use of dialogue systems entails automatically answering questions posed in human language. To find the answer to a question, a computer program may use a pre-structured database or a web page (whether local or remote). The thesis is about text-based human-computer conversations on the internet, where the user input is a written request to the dialogue system in a natural language and the output of the system is an answer to the user in the same language. The goal of the work is to develop concepts to analyze dialogue systems on a uniform base, so that these concepts can be used to design and implement a framework for building dialogue systems - modular software that can be easily adapted to different domains. The author of the thesis has implemented the Asynchronous Dialogue System framework (ADS framework) - a software system that consists of a collection of integrated modules, including several Natural Language Processing (NLP) modules that can be used in developing text-based natural language dialogue systems.
A dialogue system is a type of user interface (UI) where linguistic phenomena such as verbs, phrases and clauses act as UI controls for selecting data in software applications. In addition, the dialogue system is intended to converse with a human, with a coherent structure. Such an interaction involves the basic properties of human conversation, including turn-taking, initiative, significant silence and even manners. The most frequent use of dialogue systems entails automatically answering questions posed in human language. To find the answer to a question, a computer program may use a pre-structured database or a web page (whether local or remote). The thesis is about text-based human-computer conversations on the internet, where the user input is a written request to the dialogue system in a natural language and the output of the system is an answer to the user in the same language. The goal of the work is to develop concepts to analyze dialogue systems on a uniform base, so that these concepts can be used to design and implement a framework for building dialogue systems - modular software that can be easily adapted to different domains. The author of the thesis has implemented the Asynchronous Dialogue System framework (ADS framework) - a software system that consists of a collection of integrated modules, including several Natural Language Processing (NLP) modules that can be used in developing text-based natural language dialogue systems.
dissertatsioonid, keeletehnoloogia, loomuliku keele töötlus, inimese-arvuti interaktsioon, dialoogrežiim, language technology, natural language processing, human-computer interaction, conversational mode, concepts