Ettevõtteblogid Eestis
Ajakirja pealkiri
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Tartu Ülikool
Purpose of the study
This bachelor thesis aims to map the landscape of Estonian corporate blogs. It focuses mainly
on the following topics: the effectiveness of (corporate) blogs in public relations and their role
in the society at large, the potential and purposes of blogging, the definitions and categorizing
of (corporate) blogs, good and bad practices.
The main research questions were as follows:
What is the current situation in the Estonian corporate blogosphere?
If and what kind of enterprises should and should not blog?
What is the potential and purpose of (corporate) blogging?
What is the role of blogs in the yesterday, today and tomorrow of the Estonian corporate- and
infotechnological realm?
Keywords: corporate blogging, blogging definition, blogging typology, Information society,
public sphere, public relations, effectiveness, potential and purpose of blogs
Nature of the study
The nature of this research is mainly question-asking and situation-mapping, it is an
introduction to, hopefully many future studies on the topic. As for now, the bachelor thesis
claims to offer an insight to the field of Estonian business blogs, discuss different viewpoints
and questions that could be important in context of the topic (further on).
The empirical methods used were mapping and expert interviews. The selection of 35
corporate blogs were mapped during January and March-April, 2007 using the search engines
of,,, and The
search words were „blog”, „corporate blog”, „business blog”, „group blog” and the names of
different enterprises. Virtually all topic catalogues of were scanned through (e.g.
media, banking, tourism, catering, technology, ministries). Blogs were also found through
personal recommendations and tips. The blogs are mapped by their author(s), content,
purpose, extent and pattern. Yet the main value of the thesis lies in the expert interviews. Three experts, gurus of the field were interviewed: the chief editor of the technology
magazine [Digi] – Henrik Roonemaa, the founder and CEO of the internet marketing
enterprise Altex – Robin Gurney and the „Technokratt” and media hacker, schooler and
thinker – Peeter Marvet.
Key findings: the mapping
The main results were: blogs are not very accessible, companies do not introduce or define
their blogs (why and for whom are they blogging?), much visual and systematic confusion
occurs (who is blogging, how can I get back to main website?), there is still little CEO blogs
and all-employee blogs, rather groups (of experts) than individuals, blog. Thankfully, the
promotional blog is not very widely spread in Estonia (for now) and personal topics are
Key findings: the interviews
The company planning to start blogging should first think through what do they want to
achieve, can it be done by blogging, what is the time-cost benefit, what are the alternatives, do
they have a good blogger, what do they have to say and who should care? The purpose of
blogging is to reach the win-win solution of a mixed-motive communication (satisfy the
company’s needs while trying to help our publics to satisfy theirs). Blogosphere, as such, is a
complex term and according to the interviewees, a corporate blogosphere, as such, does not
exist (in Estonia). The interviewees did also not believe in the power of blogs to create
community. They agreed that blogging can be an effective PR-tool, when used properly, when
used badly (a „dead” blog, uninteresting content, not dealing with the comments), it could be
devastating to the company. In the future visions, Marvet sees that the information is starting
to drift pass media (post advertising media). Roonemaa is also convinced that the importance
of the Web in our everyday and business lives continues to rise. Gurney knows already today
that the markets are conversations.
H Social Sciences (General), bakalaureusetööd, infoühiskond, Internet, ettevõtted, ajaveebid, suhtekorraldus