17. sajandi esimese poole Tartu ja Tallinna muusikalistest pulmaõnnitlustest
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Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia
Eesti Muusikateaduse Selts
Eesti Muusikateaduse Selts
This article deals with a number of occasional poems printed in Tartu and Tallinn during the period 1632–1656 which are either accompanied by sheet music or composed on the basis of some well-known song. Altogether there are three pieces of occasional music preserved, together with 15 poems which could be defined as contrafacta. The small amount of printed sheet music shows that this was an exception in Tartu and Tallinn. The songs that were used as models for new poetical compositions are both religious and secular. The authors of the religious songs include composers such as Philipp Nicolai, Michael Praetorius and Basilius Förtsch. Among the authors of the secular songs we may mention Gabriel Voigtländer, Johann Nauwach and Caspar Kittel. Many of the secular models were pastorals, some of which used the text of the very influential German poets Martin Opitz and Paul Fleming.
Summary available in German (p. 71)
Zusammenfassung auf Deutsch vorhanden (S. 71)
Zusammenfassung auf Deutsch vorhanden (S. 71)