The rise of the Riga schillings (1582–1621)
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Doktoritöö on esmakordne katse käsitleda süstemaatiliselt Riia killingi erakordselt jõulist esiletõusu Poola-Leedu rahaturul aastatel 1582–1621. Seda teemat uuris nelja aastakümne eest Poola numismaatik Andrzej Mikołajczyk Poola mündiaarete põhjal, laiendades analüüsi geograafilist ulatust ka Leedu ja Ukraina mündiaaretele. Vaadeldes killingi jõudsa leviku dünaamikat ja mahtu ajaloolisel Poola-Leedu territooriumil, täiendab käesolev töö uurimisvaldkonda aardeleidude andmetega Läti ja Eesti aladelt, mis aastatel 1561–1629 moodustasid Liivimaa hertsogkonna, kus Riia rahapajal oli müntimise ainuõigus. Lisaks sellele esitatakse doktoritöös Riia Ajaloo- ja Laevandusmuuseumi killingikogu ja Riia rahapaja erakordselt hästi säilinud arhiivi analüüsil põhinevaid peamised uurimistulemused. Kvantitatiivsed ja kvalitatiivsed põhinäitajad – müntimismahud, mündialused, müntimistulu, hõbeda- ja vasekulu – on süstematiseeritud ja esitatud aegridadena, mida on võrdlevalt analüüsitud Poola-Leedu riigi, Liivimaa hertsogkonna rahaajaloo ja rahapaja enda ajaloo kontekstis. Seega käsitleb doktoritöö nn Poola aja rahaajalugu ka üldisemalt. Arvestuslike müntimismahtude ja mündiaardeandmete andmete analüüs lubab järeldada, et vaatlusalusel perioodil löödi üle 300 miljonit killingit ja lausa pool toodangust võis mitmes laines jõuda väljapoole Liivimaa hertsogkonna piire. Ühises rahapiirkonnas ringlesid kohalikud mündid piiranguteta; Riia killingi edu selgitab selle suhteline odavus, peenraha nappus Poola-Leedu rahaturul ja killingite vermimise lõpuaastatel ka suurenevad spekuleerimise väljavaated.
The thesis is the first attempt to systematically approach the extraordinary rise of Riga schillings (1582-1621) in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth monetary market. The subject had been highlighted four decades ago by the Polish numismatist Andrzej Mikołajczyk on the basis of Polish coin hoard analysis and expanding its geographical scope in the analysis of Lithuanian and Ukrainian hoards. In order to trace the dynamics and volumes of schilling expansion within the historical Commonwealth territory, this study introduces hoarding data from Latvia and Estonia to the research field. Both territories once formed the Duchy of Livonia (1561-1629), in which the Riga mint executed exclusive minting rights. Additionally, the thesis presents major findings from schilling collection of the Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation, and the uniquely well-preserved mint archive. Principal quantitative and qualitative indicators - emission rates, minting standards, revenue, silver and copper consumption are plotted in data series and cross-examined within the monetary history contexts of the Commonwealth, Duchy of Livonia and the mint itself. Hence, the thesis addresses general ’Polish period’ monetary history. The analysis of calculated emission rates and hoard studies allows to conclude that more than 300 million schillings were minted in the period and as much as half of the production could have left provincial borders of the duchy in several waves. While the circulation of domestic coins was unrestricted in the common monetary area, Riga schilling success is explained by their relative cheapness, dearth of small change in the Commonwealth and increasing speculative prospects in the final years of their coinage.
The thesis is the first attempt to systematically approach the extraordinary rise of Riga schillings (1582-1621) in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth monetary market. The subject had been highlighted four decades ago by the Polish numismatist Andrzej Mikołajczyk on the basis of Polish coin hoard analysis and expanding its geographical scope in the analysis of Lithuanian and Ukrainian hoards. In order to trace the dynamics and volumes of schilling expansion within the historical Commonwealth territory, this study introduces hoarding data from Latvia and Estonia to the research field. Both territories once formed the Duchy of Livonia (1561-1629), in which the Riga mint executed exclusive minting rights. Additionally, the thesis presents major findings from schilling collection of the Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation, and the uniquely well-preserved mint archive. Principal quantitative and qualitative indicators - emission rates, minting standards, revenue, silver and copper consumption are plotted in data series and cross-examined within the monetary history contexts of the Commonwealth, Duchy of Livonia and the mint itself. Hence, the thesis addresses general ’Polish period’ monetary history. The analysis of calculated emission rates and hoard studies allows to conclude that more than 300 million schillings were minted in the period and as much as half of the production could have left provincial borders of the duchy in several waves. While the circulation of domestic coins was unrestricted in the common monetary area, Riga schilling success is explained by their relative cheapness, dearth of small change in the Commonwealth and increasing speculative prospects in the final years of their coinage.