The metabolomic profiling of psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and atherosclerosis
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Metaboloomika on teadusharu, mis tegeleb madalmolekulaarsete ühendite mõõtmise ja analüüsimisega. Nendeks on aminohapped, biogeensed amiinid, süsivesikud, rasvhapped, nukleiinhapped või peptiidid, mis võivad olla nii eksogeenset kui ka endogeenset päritolu. Nende ainete samaaegne mõõtmine võimaldab näha ainevahetusradade otsest peegeldust, nö. metaboloomset sõrmejälge.
Psoriaas on laialt levinud krooniline põletikuline nahahaigus, mis esineb kuni 1%-l lastest ja 2%-3% üldpopulatsioonist. Haiguse teke on seotud mitme põhjusega, sealhulgas geneetiline eelsoodumus ja vastuvõtlikkus, keskkonna mõjutegurid koos immuunsüsteemi düsfunktsiooni ja nahabarjääri häirega.
Atoopiline dermatiit on laialt levinud ja kompleksne nahahaigus, mis mõjutab kuni 15% lapsi ja täiskasvanuid üldpopulatsioonis. Kuigi enamik lapsi kasvab haigusest välja, hõlmab see teatud juhtudel ka täiskasvanuid, mõjutades patsientide heaolu ja põhjustades rida kaasuvaid haigusi, sealhulgas allergiad, astma, tähelepanuhäired ning aneemiat.
Ateroskleroos on põletikuline haigus, hõlmates arterite seinu, kuhu kogunevad põletikulised rakud ja lipiidid. See viib arterite ahenemiseni, mis võib päädida trombi tekkega, põhjustades infarkti. Ateroskleroosi kõige levinumad vormid on perifeerne arterite haigus ja koronaar-arteri haigus, millest mõlemast on saanud suured rahvatervise probleemid.
Käesoleva doktoritöö peamiseks eesmärgiks oli analüüsida psoriaasi, atoopilise dermatiidi ja ateroskleroosi patsientide metaboloomseid profiile ning hinnata sarnasusi ja erinevusi leitud metaboliitides.
Metabolomics concerns with the measurement and analysis of small molecule compounds (< 1 kDa, e.g. amino acids, biogenic amines, carbohydrates, fatty acids, nucleic acids, peptides) of both exogenous and endogenous origins. These are the substrates and products of various chemical reactions within metabolic pathways. Psoriasis (PS) is a widespread chronic inflammatory skin disease affecting 2%-3% of the population in the world. The disease is considered to be multifactorial with a number of key contributing factors including genetic predisposition and susceptibility, environmental influences along with immune dysfunction and the disruption of the skin barrier. Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a widespread and complex condition that affects up to 15% adults and children worldwide. Although children have an increased prevalence of atopic dermatitis, many adults remain affected throughout their life. Atherosclerosis is classified as an inflammatory disease that involves the arterial wall and is characterized by the continuous accumulation of inflammatory cells and lipids within the intima of large arteries. The metabolomic profiles of patients with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis were explored to find possible disease-specific metabolites that could be used to characterise and better understand the underlying mechanisms of the disease pathogenesis. The application of the established methods was expanded to peripheral arterial disease and coronary arterial disease to further search for similarities and differences in the metabolomic profiles of the diseases
Metabolomics concerns with the measurement and analysis of small molecule compounds (< 1 kDa, e.g. amino acids, biogenic amines, carbohydrates, fatty acids, nucleic acids, peptides) of both exogenous and endogenous origins. These are the substrates and products of various chemical reactions within metabolic pathways. Psoriasis (PS) is a widespread chronic inflammatory skin disease affecting 2%-3% of the population in the world. The disease is considered to be multifactorial with a number of key contributing factors including genetic predisposition and susceptibility, environmental influences along with immune dysfunction and the disruption of the skin barrier. Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a widespread and complex condition that affects up to 15% adults and children worldwide. Although children have an increased prevalence of atopic dermatitis, many adults remain affected throughout their life. Atherosclerosis is classified as an inflammatory disease that involves the arterial wall and is characterized by the continuous accumulation of inflammatory cells and lipids within the intima of large arteries. The metabolomic profiles of patients with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis were explored to find possible disease-specific metabolites that could be used to characterise and better understand the underlying mechanisms of the disease pathogenesis. The application of the established methods was expanded to peripheral arterial disease and coronary arterial disease to further search for similarities and differences in the metabolomic profiles of the diseases
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psoriaas, atoopiline dermatiit, ateroskleroos, metaboliidid, metaboloomika