Young Estonians and Danes as Online Shoppers – A Comparative Study.
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Sage Publications
In the study the Danish and Estonian children’s online shopping interpretations are compared based on interviews with 23 Danes and 24 Estonians aged 12-18. The findings show that young Danes are more familiar with online shopping and buying and view it more positively
than young Estonians. That is well reflected by the fact that Estonians focus mainly on the risks of online shopping expressing various forms of distrust, while young Danes tend to bring out benefits. Yet, both countries' respondents show more confidence in regular shops with face-to-face contact than in online stores that are considered to be abstract and
disembedded. Differences in representations of online shopping are related to a complex set of system and agential resources: different cultural contexts, institutional and economic factors and social networks.
Key words: online shopping, children, trust, Estonia, Denmark
H Social Sciences (General)