Synthesis and characterization of the micro-mesoporous anode materials and testing of the medium temperature solid oxide fuel cell single cells
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Maailmas, kus fossiilsete kütuste varud on piiratud ja keskkonna saastatus suureneb on ainus lahendus probleemsele olukorrale leida alternatiivseid efektiivsemaid energiaallikaid. Viimastel aastakümnetel on paljud riigid investeerinud keskkonnasäästlikku taastuv- ja vesinikenergeetika ja vastava tehnoloogia arendusse. Üks potentsiaalne tuleviku energiaallikas on tahkeoksiidne kütuseelement. Tahkeoksiidne kütuseelement on kõrge elektrilise efektiivsusega (75%) elektrokeemiline seade, mis muundab keemilise reaktsiooni käigus vabaneva keemilise energia elektrienergiaks ilma vahepealsete mehaaniliste muundamise etappideta. Seadme kogu efektiivsust on võimalik tõsta veelgi kui kasutada ära vabanev soojusenergia.
Tavakasutajale on kõrgtemperatuurne (töötemperatuur on 900–1050°C) tahkeoksiidne kütuseelement kättesaadav Jaapanis ja peagi ka suurtarbijatele USA-s. Seadme laialdasemat kasutust maailmas limiteerib toodetava elektrienergia kilovatttunni liiga kõrge hind (kasutatavad materjalid on kallid ning ajaline stabiilsus on kesine). Materjalide hinda saab alandada ning ajalist stabiilust suurendada kui süsteem töötab madalamatel temperatuuridel (500–700°C), samuti on võimalik veelgi optimeerida kasutuses olevate materjalide struktuuri ning otsida alternatiivseid odavamaid ja/või ajaliselt stabiilsemaid materjale.
Käesoleva doktoritöö raames uuriti traditsioonilise niklil baseeruva anoodi ja alternatiivse keraamilise anoodi struktuuri mõju keskmisel temperatuuril töötava tahkeoksiidse kütuseelemendi parameetritele. Ni-Ce0.9Gd0.1O2–δ anoodil baseeruva tahkeoksiidse kütuseelemendi maksimaalne võimsustihedus suurenes enam kui kaks korda peale anoodi poorse struktuuri optimeerimist. Samuti suurenes La0.7Sr0.3VO3–δ-Ce0.85Sm0.15O2–δ anoodil baseeruva tahkeoksiidse kütuseelemendi maksimaalne võimsustihedus peaaegu kolm korda peale keraamilise anoodi poorsuse optimeerimist.
Alternative energy conversion systems are novel solution for the energy and environmental crisis due to the limited resources of fossil fuels and the globally increasing pollution level. Many countries have invested into development of the environmental friendly renewable-and hydrogen energy technology. Solid oxide fuel cell is a promising alternative energy conversion system having very high electrical efficiency (75%) because the energy of the chemical reaction is directly converted into electrical energy. The overall efficiency can be increased even further if the generated heat is being used as well. At the moment high temperature (900–1050°C) solid oxide fuel cell systems with moderate power densities are commercially available in Japan and soon in USA. The global use of solid oxide fuel cell is limited because of the high cost of the energy produced (materials used are expensive and time stability is poor). The cost of solid oxide fuel cell systems can be decreased and the time stability increased applying the medium working temperature (500-700°C), optimizing the structure of the materials used and/or developing new alternative materials. In this work influence of the porous structures of the traditional Ni-cermet based anode and alternative ceramic anodes on the performance of the medium temperature solid oxide fuel cell single cells have been investigated. After the optimization of the Ni-Ce0.9Gd0.1O2–δ-cermet anode microstructure the single cell maximum power density increased approximately two times. Also, the maximum power density of the alternative La0.7Sr0.3VO3–δ-Ce0.85Sm0.15O2–δ-cermet anode consisting single cell increased almost three times after the anode microstructure optimization.
Alternative energy conversion systems are novel solution for the energy and environmental crisis due to the limited resources of fossil fuels and the globally increasing pollution level. Many countries have invested into development of the environmental friendly renewable-and hydrogen energy technology. Solid oxide fuel cell is a promising alternative energy conversion system having very high electrical efficiency (75%) because the energy of the chemical reaction is directly converted into electrical energy. The overall efficiency can be increased even further if the generated heat is being used as well. At the moment high temperature (900–1050°C) solid oxide fuel cell systems with moderate power densities are commercially available in Japan and soon in USA. The global use of solid oxide fuel cell is limited because of the high cost of the energy produced (materials used are expensive and time stability is poor). The cost of solid oxide fuel cell systems can be decreased and the time stability increased applying the medium working temperature (500-700°C), optimizing the structure of the materials used and/or developing new alternative materials. In this work influence of the porous structures of the traditional Ni-cermet based anode and alternative ceramic anodes on the performance of the medium temperature solid oxide fuel cell single cells have been investigated. After the optimization of the Ni-Ce0.9Gd0.1O2–δ-cermet anode microstructure the single cell maximum power density increased approximately two times. Also, the maximum power density of the alternative La0.7Sr0.3VO3–δ-Ce0.85Sm0.15O2–δ-cermet anode consisting single cell increased almost three times after the anode microstructure optimization.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.
kütuseelemendid, tahked elektrolüüdid, oksiidid, anoodid, fuel cells, solid electrolytes, oxides, anodes