Лексико-семантические особенности омонимов в марийском языке
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Doktoritöös käsitletakse homonüümid mari keeles. Mari keele sõnavara erirühma moodustavad homonüümid (kreeka homos ‘ühesugune’; onoma ‘nimi’). Homonüümideks nimetatakse kaht (või enamat) sõna, mille hääldus ja kirjapilt on ühesugused, kuid nad erinevad oma tähenduse poolest. Näiteks шоло I nimis. ‘jalakas’; шоло II nimis. ‘soolikas’; шоло III nimis. ‘(palgi)parv’; шоло IV tegus. ‘viska’. Mari keeles on kokku ligi 1100 homonüümide rühma, milles omakorda on üle 5000 homonüümi.
Vaatamata lingvistide märkimisväärsele huvile sõnavara küsimuste vastu, sealhulgas ka leksika uurimise vastu ajaloolises aspektis, jäävad mõned neist probleemidest tänini väheuurituks. Käesoleva töö aktuaalsus ja teaduslik uudsus seisneb selles, et see uurimus on esimeseks katseks uurida mari homonüüme kompleksselt. Töö peamiseks eesmärgiks on homonüümide uurimine mari keeles, homonüümia eristamine polüseemiast, homonüümide tekkimise ja ülesannete kirjeldamine, nende liigitamine.
Homonüümia ja polüseemia piiritlemine tekitab alati raskusi – kui teatud eristamise kriteerium on sobiv ühe sõna jaoks, ei pruugi see sobida teise sõna puhul. Homonüümia ja polüseemia eristamise põhikriteeriumiteks on: a) semantiline kriteerium, b) sõnade etümoloogia, c) iga homonüümi sünonüümide vahelise semantilise seose puudumine, d) homonüümide paari igal liikmel oma fraseoloogilise keskkonna olemasolu, e) sõnatuletusridade eristamise tõenäosuse kasv (tuletiste osalisel ristumisel), f) teise keelde tõlkimine. Üheks eristamiskriteeriumiks on ka kontekst. Vajadusel võib kasutada kombineeritud meetodit, kus käesoleva uurimuse autori arvates on peamisteks kriteeriumiteks semantiline ja morfoloogilis-sõnatuletuslik kriteerium ning tõlkimine teise keelde.
Kaasaegse mari keele homonüüme võib jagada nelja rühma: leksikaalsed homonüümid, vormihomonüümid, homofoonid ja homograafid.
Mari keeles tekkivad homonüümid erinevate keelelise protsesside tagajärjel: morfoloogiliste muutuste tõttu (sõnamoodustus, vormimoodustus, sõnade muutmine), konversioon, subordineeriv (alistav) sõnade liitmine, verbide pöördkonnad, foneetiliste muutuste tõttu, semantilise arengu tõttu (polüseemia lagunemine), laensõnad, murdepärasuse tõttu.
The dissertation focuses on the investigation homonyms in the Mari language. Homonyms (Greek ὁμός — identical + ὄνομα — name) — language units (words, morphemes, etc.) different in meaning but identical in phonation and spelling. For instance, šolo I (noun) 'elm'; šolo II (noun) 'bowels'; šolo III (noun) 'float board'; šolo IV (imperative verb in the 2nd singular) 'throw'. Thematic justification of the given research is in the fact that despite a considerable interest of linguists to Mari lexicology, and studying vocabulary from a historical perspective, some of issues still left underexplored. The academic novelty of thesis consists in the fact that the given work is the first experience of multi-method research of Mari homonyms. The main purposes of the work are studying Mari homonyms; the ways they originated and function; classification of homonyms; distinction between homonymy and polysemy. There are about 1,100 Mari homonymous groups, which include more than five thousand homonyms. A distinction between homonymy and polysemy always causes appearing difficulties, and each of criteria, if being relevant to one word, is irrelevant to another one. So, the major criteria of distinction between polysemy and homonymy are: a) semantic criterion; b) word etymology; c) absence of semantic link among the synonyms related to every homonyms; d) existence of phraseological units for each member of a homonymous pair; e) increase of probability of word-formation rows (with partial overlapping of their derivatives); f) translation into another language. One of the major criterion of differentiation of homonymy and polysemy is a context with employing a combined method where possible. To our mind, in this case crucial criteria are semantic, word-formative and translation into another language. Modern Mari homonyms can be divided into four groups. They are: lexical homonyms, homoforms, homophones and homographs. Various linguistic phenomena determine homonym formation. They are: morphological transformations (word-formation, form making, inflexion), conversion, subordinate word-combinations, verb conjugation, phonetic change, semantic development (split of polysemy), loanwords, dialectisms.
The dissertation focuses on the investigation homonyms in the Mari language. Homonyms (Greek ὁμός — identical + ὄνομα — name) — language units (words, morphemes, etc.) different in meaning but identical in phonation and spelling. For instance, šolo I (noun) 'elm'; šolo II (noun) 'bowels'; šolo III (noun) 'float board'; šolo IV (imperative verb in the 2nd singular) 'throw'. Thematic justification of the given research is in the fact that despite a considerable interest of linguists to Mari lexicology, and studying vocabulary from a historical perspective, some of issues still left underexplored. The academic novelty of thesis consists in the fact that the given work is the first experience of multi-method research of Mari homonyms. The main purposes of the work are studying Mari homonyms; the ways they originated and function; classification of homonyms; distinction between homonymy and polysemy. There are about 1,100 Mari homonymous groups, which include more than five thousand homonyms. A distinction between homonymy and polysemy always causes appearing difficulties, and each of criteria, if being relevant to one word, is irrelevant to another one. So, the major criteria of distinction between polysemy and homonymy are: a) semantic criterion; b) word etymology; c) absence of semantic link among the synonyms related to every homonyms; d) existence of phraseological units for each member of a homonymous pair; e) increase of probability of word-formation rows (with partial overlapping of their derivatives); f) translation into another language. One of the major criterion of differentiation of homonymy and polysemy is a context with employing a combined method where possible. To our mind, in this case crucial criteria are semantic, word-formative and translation into another language. Modern Mari homonyms can be divided into four groups. They are: lexical homonyms, homoforms, homophones and homographs. Various linguistic phenomena determine homonym formation. They are: morphological transformations (word-formation, form making, inflexion), conversion, subordinate word-combinations, verb conjugation, phonetic change, semantic development (split of polysemy), loanwords, dialectisms.
mari keel, homonüümid, semantika, leksikoloogia, Mari language, homonyms, semantics, lexicology