Essays on gender wage inequality in the Estonian labour market
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Sooline palgalõhe on Eestis kõrge. Mitmetes varasemates uuringutes on hinnatud, kui suur osa keskmiste palkade soolistest erinevustest on tingitud soolistest erinevustest tunnustes nagu haridus, ameti- ja tegevusala jm. On aga leitud, et suurem osa soolisest palgaerinevusest ei ole Eestis selliste erinevusega selgitatav.
Uurimistöö eesmärk oli hinnata, mil määral varemkasutatutest erinevate hindamismeetodite ja andmete kasutamine aitab paremini selgitada soolise palgalõhe kujunemist Eestis. Doktoriväitekiri koosnes kolmest uurimusest:
Esimeses vaadeldi küsimust, mil määral on soolise palgalõhe suur mitteselgitatav komponent tingitud liiga vähedetailsetest andmetest. Näiteks kui tippspetsialistide kategoorias grupeeritakse kokku raamatukoguhoidjad ja neurokirurgid, tekib küsimus, kas analüüsis võrreldi võrreldavate töötajate palku. Leiti, et kuigi detailsemate ameti- ja tegevusala andmete kasutamine võimaldas mitteselgitatavat palgalõhet vähendada, jäi see ikkagi üpris kõrgeks (16,5%).
Teises uuringus käsitleti palgalõhe hindamismetoodikate tehnilisemat poolt. Leiti, et teatud meetodi puhul (täppissobitamise põhine dekompositsioon) võib sisuliselt meelevaldne võrdlusgrupi valik (ehk see, kas hinnatakse meeste palgaeelist või naiste palgapuudujääki) viia vastupidistele järeldustele. Pakuti välja meetodi edasiarendus, mis eristaks eraldi komponentidena meeste palgaeelist ja naiste palgapuudujääki keskmise palga suhtes.
Kolmandas uuringus testiti, kas palkade allapoole jäikus erineb sooti. Kasutades Maksuameti andmeid aastatest 2002-2008 leiti, et naised aktsepteerivad palgalangetust suurema tõenäosusega kui mehed. Üks võimalik selgitus on, et see tulemus peegeldab erinevusi riskikartlikkuses: mehed võivad keelduda palgalangetamisest, aktsepteerides pigem kõrgemat koondamisriski. See tõlgendus on siiski seni veel vaid hüpotees, mis vajab täiendavat testimist tulevastes uuringutes.
The gender wage gap in Estonia is high. Previously, several studies have estimated how much of the gender difference in average wages can be explained by gender differences in characteristics such as education, occupation, industry etc. It has been found that most of the gender wage gap is unexplained by such differences. The primary question addressed in this thesis is whether better explanations for the gender wage gap in Estonia could be obtained by using different methods and data than those used in previous studies. The dissertation consists of three studies: Study I addressed the question of whether and to what extent the large unexplained gender wage gap is due to insufficiently detailed data. For example, if the category of professionals includes surgeons as well as librarians, a question arises whether wages of comparable workers are being compared. It was found that while using more precise data on occupation and industry reduces the unexplained wage gap somewhat, it nevertheless remains rather high (16.5%). Study II addressed more technical questions regarding wage gap decomposition methods. It was shown that certain methods (exact matching based decomposition) the essentially arbitrary choice of reference group (that is, whether men’s advantage or women’s disadvantage is estimated) can lead to opposite conclusions. A modification of the method was proposed, which estimates separately advantage and disadvantage in comparison with overall average wage. Study III tested whether there are gender differences in downward rigitity of wages. Using Tax Board data, it was found that women are more likely to accept wage reductions. A possible explanation for this result is that it reflects differences in risk aversion: men may be more likely to refuse pay reduction, accepting higher risk of layoff instead. This interpretation, however, is hypothetical and needs further research.
The gender wage gap in Estonia is high. Previously, several studies have estimated how much of the gender difference in average wages can be explained by gender differences in characteristics such as education, occupation, industry etc. It has been found that most of the gender wage gap is unexplained by such differences. The primary question addressed in this thesis is whether better explanations for the gender wage gap in Estonia could be obtained by using different methods and data than those used in previous studies. The dissertation consists of three studies: Study I addressed the question of whether and to what extent the large unexplained gender wage gap is due to insufficiently detailed data. For example, if the category of professionals includes surgeons as well as librarians, a question arises whether wages of comparable workers are being compared. It was found that while using more precise data on occupation and industry reduces the unexplained wage gap somewhat, it nevertheless remains rather high (16.5%). Study II addressed more technical questions regarding wage gap decomposition methods. It was shown that certain methods (exact matching based decomposition) the essentially arbitrary choice of reference group (that is, whether men’s advantage or women’s disadvantage is estimated) can lead to opposite conclusions. A modification of the method was proposed, which estimates separately advantage and disadvantage in comparison with overall average wage. Study III tested whether there are gender differences in downward rigitity of wages. Using Tax Board data, it was found that women are more likely to accept wage reductions. A possible explanation for this result is that it reflects differences in risk aversion: men may be more likely to refuse pay reduction, accepting higher risk of layoff instead. This interpretation, however, is hypothetical and needs further research.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.
naised, mehed, tööturg, palk, palgapoliitika, sooline palgalõhe, sooline diskrimineerimine, Eesti, 21. saj. algus, women, men, labour market, salary, wage policy, gender wage gap, gender discrimination, Estonia, beginning of the 21st century