A case study approach to effect change of chemistry teacher beliefs for enhancing students’ scientific literacy
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Käesoleva töö eesmärgiks oli toetada keemiaõpetajate tõekspidamiste ja õpetamispraktikate muutumist suunas, mis aitaks efektiivsemalt arendada õpilaste loodusteaduslikku ja tehnoloogiaalast kirjaoskust (STL). Õpetajate professionaalse arengu toetamiseks STL kontseptsiooni omaksvõtmisel kasutati ühise tegevusuuringu formaati. Viis kogenud Eesti keemiaõpetajat koos teeside autoriga rakendasid kolme-aastase projekti jooksul STL õppemooduleid keemia tundides, disainisid neli uut moodulit, evalveerisid moodulite rakendatavust praktikas ja dissemineerisid STL ideestikku ning väljatöötatud mooduleid laiemale õpetajaskonnale. Õpetajate tõekspidamiste muutumist STL õpetamisviisi suhtes uuriti kolme teguri kaudu (Ajzen, 1991): (1) õpetaja hoiak, (2) normatiivsed tõekspidamised (teiste arvamus), ja (3) õpetaja tajutud kontroll (sh eneseefektiivsus). Metodoloogilise raamistikuna kasutati kvalitatiivset lähenemisviisi ning juhtumiuuringu meetodit. Andmed koguti projekti jooksul korduvalt viie erineva uurimisinstrumendiga (õpetaja intervjuu, kokkusaamiste heliülesvõtted, õpetajate mitteformaalsed kommentaarid, tunnivaatlused, õpilasküsimustik). Uurimistulemustest selgub, et õpetajad arendasid projekti jooksul edasi oma (positiivseid) hoiakuid STL lähenemise suhtes. Õpetajatel tekkis esimesel aastal STL mooduleid rakendades ka rida negatiivseid tajutud kontrolliga seotud tõekspidamisi, mis aga muutusid projekti jooksul neutraalsemaks või isegi positiivseks: kõigi õpetajate enese-efektiivsus moodulite rakendamisel ja õpilaste hindamisel kasvas. Projekti jooksul omandasid õpetajad uusi positiivseid normatiivseid tõekspidamisi: STL lähenemisviisi rakendamisel saadi tuge nii õpilastelt, projektikaaslastelt kui ka teistelt loodusteaduste õpetajatelt, kellele STL lähenemist tutvustati. Uurimistulemustest selgub, et viimased mängisid põhilist rolli õpetajate tõekspidamiste muutumises, samal ajal kui tugevnenud positiivsed hoiakud uue õpetamisviisi suhtes aitasid mõnel juhul ületada algseid negatiivseid käitumise kontrolliga seotud tõekspidamisi. Antud töö tulemused näitavad õpetajate ühise tegevusuuringu elujõulisust ning rakendatavust õpetaja professionaalse arengu (sh õpetaja kui õppekava arendaja) toetamisel.
The main goal of the current study was to support chemistry teachers in developing beliefs and practices relevant to a new teaching approach geared to enhance students’ scientific and technological literacy (STL). This study used case study methodology to describe and interpret the developing chemistry teacher beliefs throughout the collaborative action research. Five experienced teachers, in cooperation with the author, implemented STL modules in their classrooms, developed four new modules and disseminated the STL ideas plus the developed modules to a wider teacher audience. The teacher beliefs were analysed based on Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour (2005) by looking at the teacher’s (a) attitude, (b) perceived subjective norms, and (c) behavioural control regarding the new teaching approach. The processes of teacher change and the course of the research were investigated by teacher interviews, meeting records and teacher informal commentaries. Moreover, background information about teacher change was gathered through classroom observations and student questionnaires. Throughout the three-year project, teachers developed and elaborated further their mainly positive attitudinal beliefs towards the new approach, while confronting their substantial constraints (mainly negative behavioural control beliefs). Evidence supported the formation of teachers’ positive behavioural control beliefs (e.g. increased self-efficacy) and positive subjective norm beliefs (e.g. support from the students; the other participants) towards the new approach, although the extent, pace and nature varied depending on the teacher’s individuality. The major role, eliciting change in teacher initial beliefs, was considered to be the addition of new positive social norm beliefs (support from the group; positive group norms towards the STL approach approval from the other teachers). Strengthened attitudinal beliefs helped to overcome, in some cases, the initially perceived negative behavioural control beliefs. Implications and recommendations for future research on teacher beliefs, as well as the viability of collaborative action research to support teacher development and initiate curriculum development were indicated.
The main goal of the current study was to support chemistry teachers in developing beliefs and practices relevant to a new teaching approach geared to enhance students’ scientific and technological literacy (STL). This study used case study methodology to describe and interpret the developing chemistry teacher beliefs throughout the collaborative action research. Five experienced teachers, in cooperation with the author, implemented STL modules in their classrooms, developed four new modules and disseminated the STL ideas plus the developed modules to a wider teacher audience. The teacher beliefs were analysed based on Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behaviour (2005) by looking at the teacher’s (a) attitude, (b) perceived subjective norms, and (c) behavioural control regarding the new teaching approach. The processes of teacher change and the course of the research were investigated by teacher interviews, meeting records and teacher informal commentaries. Moreover, background information about teacher change was gathered through classroom observations and student questionnaires. Throughout the three-year project, teachers developed and elaborated further their mainly positive attitudinal beliefs towards the new approach, while confronting their substantial constraints (mainly negative behavioural control beliefs). Evidence supported the formation of teachers’ positive behavioural control beliefs (e.g. increased self-efficacy) and positive subjective norm beliefs (e.g. support from the students; the other participants) towards the new approach, although the extent, pace and nature varied depending on the teacher’s individuality. The major role, eliciting change in teacher initial beliefs, was considered to be the addition of new positive social norm beliefs (support from the group; positive group norms towards the STL approach approval from the other teachers). Strengthened attitudinal beliefs helped to overcome, in some cases, the initially perceived negative behavioural control beliefs. Implications and recommendations for future research on teacher beliefs, as well as the viability of collaborative action research to support teacher development and initiate curriculum development were indicated.
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loodusteaduslik haridus, kirjaoskus, keemiaõpetajad, veendumused, erialane areng, juhtumiuuringud, science education, literacy, teachers of chemistry, beliefs, professional development, case studies