Rethinking intralingual translation and exploring its interface with censorship, manipulation, and controversy
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Tõlkimine ei pea tingimata hõlmama kahte keelt (keeltevaheline tõlge), see võib toimuda ka ühe keele sees (keelesisene tõlge). Doktoritöö keskendub keelesisesele tõlkimisele, arvestades asjaolu, et otsus, mida loetakse „keeleks“, on paljuski sotsiaalpoliitiline. Tõlketeaduses on püütud laiendada meie arusaamist tõlkimisest ning mõned teadlased on määratlenud erinevaid keelesisese tõlke liike. Tüpoloogiaid uuendatakse pidevalt ja need muutuvad üha keerulisemaks, mis tõstatab küsimuse, kas need saavad olla täielikult kirjeldavad. Oluline küsimus puudutab ka keelesisese tõlke ideoloogilist olemust: millise manipulatsiooniga on tegemist, kui lähteteksti lühendatakse või ’pakendatakse ümber’ teise sihtrühma jaoks? Siinkohal näib, et keelesisene tõlge on juba iseenesest vastuoluline: kas on vaja teha Briti romaanist Ameerika versioon? Kas klassikalist kirjandust peaks tõlkima tänapäevasesse või lihtsasse keelde? Doktoritöös mõtestatakse keelesisene tõlge ümber, kirjeldades seda kui häguste piiridega mõistet. See tähendab, et keelesisese tõlke liigid ja nende loomist mõjutavad tegurid kattuvad sageli. Lisaks uurib see töö vastuoluliste tegurite analüüsi kaudu tsensuuri ja ideoloogilise manipuleerimise rolli keelesiseses tõlkimises. Kuigi käsitlen mitmeid keelesisese tõlke vorme, on minu peamine uurimisobjekt spetsiaalselt keeleõppijatele kirjutatud raamatud. Minu analüüsid, mis hõlmavad tekste ja neid ümbritsevaid elemente, võimaldavad mul kirjeldada neid raamatuid kui kompleksseid teoseid, mis mõnikord eiravad tsensuuriga seotud ootusi. Kuigi vastuolulised aspektid (näiteks seoses soo või seksuaalsusega) kipuvad olema manipuleeritud, ei ole manipulatsioonide taga peituvad motiivid sugugi üheselt selged.
Translation does not necessarily involve two languages (interlingual translation): it can also occur within one single language (intralingual translation). This doctoral project focuses on the latter type of translation, while also acknowledging that the decision of what counts as a language is largely socio-political. Within the discipline of translation studies, there have been efforts to expand our understanding of translation, and some scholars have identified various types of intralingual translation. Typologies get repeatedly updated and are becoming increasingly complex, which raises the question of whether they can be fully descriptive. Another question concerns the ideological nature of intralingual translation: what manipulations occur when a source text is abridged or “rewrapped” for a different target audience? In this regard, intralingual translation seems to be shrouded in controversy almost by definition: is it necessary to make a US version of a UK novel? Should the classics be translated into modern or easy language? This project rethinks intralingual translation by describing it as a concept with blurred borders. This means that the various types of intralingual translation and the factors influencing their production often overlap. Furthermore, this project explores the role of censorship and ideological manipulation in intralingual translation through the analysis of controversial elements. Although several forms of intralingual translation are covered, my main research object are graded readers, which are books especially written for language learners following a grading scheme. My analyses, which cover texts and the elements surrounding them, allow me to describe graded readers as complex products which sometimes defy expectations of censorship. While controversial elements (for example, in relation to gender or sexuality) tend to be manipulated, the motives behind those manipulations are far from straightforward.
Translation does not necessarily involve two languages (interlingual translation): it can also occur within one single language (intralingual translation). This doctoral project focuses on the latter type of translation, while also acknowledging that the decision of what counts as a language is largely socio-political. Within the discipline of translation studies, there have been efforts to expand our understanding of translation, and some scholars have identified various types of intralingual translation. Typologies get repeatedly updated and are becoming increasingly complex, which raises the question of whether they can be fully descriptive. Another question concerns the ideological nature of intralingual translation: what manipulations occur when a source text is abridged or “rewrapped” for a different target audience? In this regard, intralingual translation seems to be shrouded in controversy almost by definition: is it necessary to make a US version of a UK novel? Should the classics be translated into modern or easy language? This project rethinks intralingual translation by describing it as a concept with blurred borders. This means that the various types of intralingual translation and the factors influencing their production often overlap. Furthermore, this project explores the role of censorship and ideological manipulation in intralingual translation through the analysis of controversial elements. Although several forms of intralingual translation are covered, my main research object are graded readers, which are books especially written for language learners following a grading scheme. My analyses, which cover texts and the elements surrounding them, allow me to describe graded readers as complex products which sometimes defy expectations of censorship. While controversial elements (for example, in relation to gender or sexuality) tend to be manipulated, the motives behind those manipulations are far from straightforward.
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