Testing the predictions of life history theory on anthropometric data
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Elusolendid peavad koguma ja jaotama piiratud ressursse kohasuse funktsioonide ehk elukäiguomaduste vahel. Teooria kohaselt ei evolutsioneeru elukäiguomadused ja käitumuslikud eelsoodumused teineteisest sõltumatult, vaid moodustavad toimimiseks kokkusobivaid komplekte ehk elukäigustrateegiaid. Elukäiguteooria kasutamine inimestevaheliste erinevuste kirjeldamisel tekitab poleemikat. Kuigi ülegenoomsed uuringud viitavad elukäiguomaduste geneetilisele koosvarieerumisele, on tõendid indiviidi tunnuste tasemel mitmeti mõistetavad. Kõnesolev uurimissuund on raskendatud geeni-keskkonna koosmõju ja pidevalt muutuva kultuurilise tausta tõttu. Töö eesmärk oli uurida inimeste kasvu ja paljunemist elukäiguteooria raamistikus ning püüda mõista kultuuri ja keskkonna mõju nende seoste avaldumisel. Tulemused on kooskõlas elukäigustrateegiate geneetilistele erisustele keskenduvate mudelitega. Tüdrukute kiirem suguline küpsemine ei olnud põhjustatud nende vanema surmast, aga vanemad, kelle tütred küpsesid varakult, surid nooremana. Psühhosotsiaalne stress ei kiirendanud sugulist küpsemist, küll aga pärssis see poiste kasvu. Lapsed pärivad elukäigu erisused oma vanematelt, kuid eelsoodumused varasemaks suguliseks arenguks saavad avalduda ainult soodsas keskkonnas. Käitumuslikud eelsoodumused võivad fenotüübis avalduda järjepidevamalt. Erinevates keskkonnatingimustes võivad bioloogilised eelsoodumused mõjutada sotsiaalmajanduslikke saavutusi sarnaselt, kuid nende saavutuste mõju kohasusele sõltub elukäigustrateegiate erinevustest ning soospetsiifilistest sigimisstrateegiatest. Tulemused näitavad, et lõivsuhted erinevate kohasuse komponentide vahel esinevad ka kaasaegsetes populatsioonides elukäiguteooria poolt ennustatud viisil.
Organisms must harvest and allocate limited resources between life history traits, i.e. traits that affect fitness. According to the life history theory, selection should favour behavioural and physiological traits in intercorrelated adaptive sets constituting life history strategies. Using life history framework to describe individual differences in humans remains controversial. While studies suggest that the genes associated with the variation of life history traits are intercorrelated in a predicted manner, evidence at the level of phenotype is ambivalent. Such research is complicated by the gene-environment interaction and rapidly changing cultural background. The aim of this thesis was to test the predictions of life history theory on human growth and reproduction, and to gain insight into cultural and environmental effects mediating these outcomes. The findings are most parsimoniously explained by the models of genetic coadaptation of life history traits. Early maturation was not induced by parental death, but the parents of early-maturing girls died younger. Psychosocial stress did not accelerate sexual maturation, but inhibited growth in boys. Children inherit life history differences from their parents, but propensity for earlier maturation may be expressed only under favourable conditions. Behavioural reproductive outcomes may manifest more consistently. Under different social settings, the same intrinsic traits can be related to cultural adaptation but these adaptations may have an opposite impact to fitness due to differences in reproductive strategies. I find that in contemporary humans the trade-offs between different fitness components can be predicted within the framework of life history theory
Organisms must harvest and allocate limited resources between life history traits, i.e. traits that affect fitness. According to the life history theory, selection should favour behavioural and physiological traits in intercorrelated adaptive sets constituting life history strategies. Using life history framework to describe individual differences in humans remains controversial. While studies suggest that the genes associated with the variation of life history traits are intercorrelated in a predicted manner, evidence at the level of phenotype is ambivalent. Such research is complicated by the gene-environment interaction and rapidly changing cultural background. The aim of this thesis was to test the predictions of life history theory on human growth and reproduction, and to gain insight into cultural and environmental effects mediating these outcomes. The findings are most parsimoniously explained by the models of genetic coadaptation of life history traits. Early maturation was not induced by parental death, but the parents of early-maturing girls died younger. Psychosocial stress did not accelerate sexual maturation, but inhibited growth in boys. Children inherit life history differences from their parents, but propensity for earlier maturation may be expressed only under favourable conditions. Behavioural reproductive outcomes may manifest more consistently. Under different social settings, the same intrinsic traits can be related to cultural adaptation but these adaptations may have an opposite impact to fitness due to differences in reproductive strategies. I find that in contemporary humans the trade-offs between different fitness components can be predicted within the framework of life history theory
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theory of evolution, life course, living organisms, developmental stages, anthropometry, sexual development, mental development, Estonia