Ester Tuiksoo representatsioon ajalehes Postimees

dc.contributor.advisorPast, Aune, juhendaja
dc.contributor.authorOrg, Heleri
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Sotsiaalteaduskondet
dc.contributor.otherTartu Ülikool. Ajakirjanduse ja kommunikatsiooni osakondet
dc.descriptionIn this research there were under survey all the articles that were published in Postimees about Ester Tuiksoo- a Minister of Agriculture- and also most of the commentaries that were written by publics. The time period was January 2005- October 2006. In my work I analyzed the media representation of Ester Tuiksoo based on the articles and commentaries. The articles that I analyzed were 100. There were 7 positive, 33 negative and 60 neutral articles. The issues of the articles were mostly quite problematic and scandalous. Most of the subjects were penalty of sugar, program Eesti Toit and other issues that created the negative image of Ester Tuiksoo. Most of the issues were scandalous/problematic and connected to personal mistakes of Tuiksoo („Enamik Eesti inimestest taunib ministrite alarmsõiduõigust” 25.07.05 BNS). In many articles Tuiksoo was related to different negative issues and problems in Estonia which had its own reflect on the image of Ester Tuiksoo. During the entire period which was under my research, I could point out two periods when one certain problem were mostly published/ written about in different articles. On a period April 2006- August 2006 (included) there was 39 articles of Tuiksoo of what 14 articles embraced AS Weroli Tehas bankruptcy. There were only 1 positive, 6 neutral and 7 negative articles. The other period embraced January 2005- April 2005. There were 29 write-ups of what 13 were written about the penalty of sugar. There were none positive, 6 neutral and 7 negative articles. According to analyze I can say that the media representation of Ester Tuiksoo has been strongly influenced by different problems and scandals that has been subject of conversatsion in mass media. The political representation is (in this case) significantly related to personal image, and the publicity is not capable to differentiate one another. That is the reason why the image of Ester Tuiksoo is rather negative or neutral one. In the second part of the research I analyzed the commentaries (written by publics) of the articles and the possible media representation formation of Ester Tuiksoo. The time period was also January 2005- October 2006. Under the research there were 11 articles and 316 commentaries. There were 9 positive, 162 neutral and 145 negative commentaries. Most noted subjects were the program Eesti Toit (127 articles), AS Weroli Tehas bancruptcy (106 articles), and the penalty of sugar (50 articles). The words and phrases in negative commentaries, that were used when spoken about Ester Tuiksoo were extremely outspoken. In positive commentaries the phrases and words were rather reserved and general. There were many same words and phrases that appeared in different commentaries: the chef/ director of the canteen ( söökla kokk/ juhataja) (12), the lady- minster (ministriproua) (5), comrade (seltsimees) (3). The words and phrases of positive commentaries are not to be pointing out because of insufficiency and uniqueness in different commentaries. Fulfillment of established goals: - I analyzed the articles related to Ester Tuiksoo and researched the appearance and tone of them. Statistically were dominant the neutral articles, but analyzing the tone of the write-ups and commentaries it was rather negative side that dominated. - I researched the themes that were mostly related to Ester Tuiksoo. But I could not find the answer to question why different articles were published in that exact time they were published. - I analyzed and made conclusions about the tone of the commentaries. The comments written by publicity were extremely negative by their tone and word use. Most of them applied the private life of Ester Tuiksoo. - The connection between Tuiksoo and public events is in many ways coincidence because many scandalous and problematic cases took place while Tuiksoo was the Minister of Agriculture. That is one of the explanations to the rather neutral or negative image of Ester Tuiksoo.en
dc.identifierOrg, Heleri (2007) Ester Tuiksoo representatsioon ajalehes Postimees. Other thesis, Tartu Ülikool.
dc.publisherTartu Ülikoolet
dc.subjectH Social Sciences (General)
dc.subject.otherTuiksoo, Ester, 1965-et
dc.subject.otherPostimees (ajaleht)et
dc.titleEster Tuiksoo representatsioon ajalehes Postimeeset


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