Professional ethics: philosophy and practice
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Doktoritöö on pühendatud eetiliste otsuste tegemise vabadusele professionalses ehk kutsealases tegevuses. Klassikaliselt on kutsealadena käsitletud meditsiini, õiguse ja teoloogia (laiemalt pedagoogika) valdkondi. Kaasajal on nende ametite ring, mida defineeritakse professionidena, jõudsalt laienenud ning muutnud on ootused professionaalsetele tegutsejatele. Enam ei piisa õppides ja praktiseerides omandatud erialastest teadmistest ja oskustest. Ühiskonnas on tekkinud ootus, et professionaali tegevus peaks lisaks vastama selgetele, arusaadavatele ja kutsealale sobivatele käitumisstandarditele. Meedia vahendab pea igapäevaselt juhtumeid, kus kutseala esindaja X on oma tööalases tegevuses väga vilunud, kuid on tekkinud konflikt kodaniku, kliendi, patsiendi või tööandjaga. Tavapäraselt on need konfliktid eetilist laadi. Teisalt iseloomustab kutsealast tegevust sellise käitumise lubamine, mis tavaolukorras on taunitud. Advokaat võib tõde varjata, kui see on kasulik tema kaitsealusele, sõdur võib tappa, kui selleks on riigi volitus. Seesugused olukorrad on praktikas tavapärased, kuid filosoofilisest seisukohast põhjendamine või õigustamine on sageli ebapiisavad. Doktoritöö on katse heita valgust professioonieetika üldisele filosoofilisele raamistikule. Töö vaatleb küsimusi, kuidas interpreteerida professiooni või kutse mõistet, kes peaks kutse-eetilised normid kehtestama, milline on eetika- ja käitumiskoodeksite funktsioon ning mida teha juhtudel, kui elukutse eetilised nõudmised ei vasta ühiskonna ootustele.
The central topic of the dissertation is the professionals’ freedom in ethical decision-making. Traditionally, only medicine, law and theology (including teaching) were regarded as professions. In modernity, the range of occupations seen or defined as professions has greatly widened causing changes in expectations to practitioners of professions. Special knowledge and expertise acquired through formal education and practical experience are not enough any more. Society has come to expect that the professionals’ activities should, in addition, meet certain clear, intelligible and appropriate behavioural standards. Almost daily, the media publicise cases where a representative of some profession is a good expert in his or her field but comes into conflict with a citizen, a client, a patient or an employer. Typically, such conflicts are of an ethical kind. On the other hand, it is characteristic to professional context that certain kinds of conduct are allowed which are prohibited in ordinary, nonprofessional situations. A lawyer is permitted not to reveal the truth, if it is in the interests of his or her client; a soldier may kill if he or she is authorised to do so by the state. Such situations are common but insufficiently analysed from the philosophical point of view. The dissertation is an attempt to throw more light on the general philosophical framework of professional ethics. It considers issues such as how best to understand the concept of profession, what are the functions of codes of ethics and codes of conduct, and how to proceed in situations where society’s expectations towards professional conduct differ from its habitual ethical requirements.
The central topic of the dissertation is the professionals’ freedom in ethical decision-making. Traditionally, only medicine, law and theology (including teaching) were regarded as professions. In modernity, the range of occupations seen or defined as professions has greatly widened causing changes in expectations to practitioners of professions. Special knowledge and expertise acquired through formal education and practical experience are not enough any more. Society has come to expect that the professionals’ activities should, in addition, meet certain clear, intelligible and appropriate behavioural standards. Almost daily, the media publicise cases where a representative of some profession is a good expert in his or her field but comes into conflict with a citizen, a client, a patient or an employer. Typically, such conflicts are of an ethical kind. On the other hand, it is characteristic to professional context that certain kinds of conduct are allowed which are prohibited in ordinary, nonprofessional situations. A lawyer is permitted not to reveal the truth, if it is in the interests of his or her client; a soldier may kill if he or she is authorised to do so by the state. Such situations are common but insufficiently analysed from the philosophical point of view. The dissertation is an attempt to throw more light on the general philosophical framework of professional ethics. It considers issues such as how best to understand the concept of profession, what are the functions of codes of ethics and codes of conduct, and how to proceed in situations where society’s expectations towards professional conduct differ from its habitual ethical requirements.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.
dissertatsioonid, kutse-eetika, moraaliprintsiibid, eetikakoodeksid, professional ethics, moral principles, codes of ethics