Standardmudel plokiahelal põhinevale hajusale raamatupidamistehnoloogiale
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Plokiahel on hajus, transaktsioonidel põhinev andmebaas, mis on jagatud kõigi kasutajate vahel. See on Bitcoin’i põhiline tehnoloogiline innovatsioon ning plokiahela roll on olla hajus pearaamat kõikidele transaktsioonidele. Igal kasutajal (sõlm, ingl.k. ’node’) on terve koopia kõige hilisemast ahelast, mis hoiab endas igat transaktsiooni, mis kunagi tehtud. Iga plokk sisaldab endas eelmise ploki räsiväärtust (ingl.k. ’hash’), mis seob kaks plokki omavahel. Ühendatud plokid moodustavadki plokiahela. Paraku sellisel tehnoloogial puudub standard ja ühtne arusaam. Selle põhjuseks on vähesed akadeemilised uurimustööd, mis käsitleksid seda tehnoloogiat ja kirjeldaksid standardiseeritud mudelit. Käesoleva lõputöö eesmärgiks on võrrelda nelja plokiahela tehnoloogiat ning keskenduda nende äritaseme atribuutidele - tehnoloogias osalejad ja nende rollid, teenused, äriprotsessid ja andmemudelid. Analüüsi ja võrdluse tulemusena valmib standardiseeritud mudel, mis võib potentsiaalselt abistada analüütikuid ja arendajaid plokiahela tehnoloogiaga töötamisel. Loodud mudeli täpsuse valideerimiseks võrreldakse seda erinevate plokiahela tehnoloogiatega. Lisaks, valideerime standardmudelit kasutades seda riskipõhise analüüsi teostamisel.
Blockchain is a distributed, transactional database that is shared across all the nodes participating in the network. This is the main technical innovation of Bitcoin and it acts as a public ledger for the transactions. Every node in the system has a full copy of the current chain, which contains every transaction ever executed. Every block contains a hash of the previous block, linking these two together. The linked blocks become a blockchain. However, this technology lacks standardisation and uniform understanding. This is due to a few studies, that would provide a comprehensive model of the blockchain and the distributed ledger technology. In this thesis we compare four blockchain technology platforms and focus on their business level properties including actors and roles, services, processes and data model. Our comparison results in a reference model, which could potentially guide the business and system analysts and software developers when developing new blockchain platforms or their supported implementations. Accuracy of the proposed reference model is validated by considering it against selected blockchain platforms. The reference model is also validated via application, showing its usefulness for a risk-related blockchain security assessment.
Blockchain is a distributed, transactional database that is shared across all the nodes participating in the network. This is the main technical innovation of Bitcoin and it acts as a public ledger for the transactions. Every node in the system has a full copy of the current chain, which contains every transaction ever executed. Every block contains a hash of the previous block, linking these two together. The linked blocks become a blockchain. However, this technology lacks standardisation and uniform understanding. This is due to a few studies, that would provide a comprehensive model of the blockchain and the distributed ledger technology. In this thesis we compare four blockchain technology platforms and focus on their business level properties including actors and roles, services, processes and data model. Our comparison results in a reference model, which could potentially guide the business and system analysts and software developers when developing new blockchain platforms or their supported implementations. Accuracy of the proposed reference model is validated by considering it against selected blockchain platforms. The reference model is also validated via application, showing its usefulness for a risk-related blockchain security assessment.