Võrkpallitreenerite eestvedamisstiili hindamine ja võistkondade sidusus 2005/2006 võistlushooajal



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Käesoleva uuringu tulemuste alusel tehti alljärgnevad järeldused: 1. Eestikeelse Spordi Eestvedamise Küsimustiku muudetud variandi faktorstruktuur kehtib ning sisereliaabluse koefitsendid vastavad nõuetele. 2. Sportlaste poolt eelistatud ja tajutud treeneri käitumine (eestvedamisstiilid) erinevad oluliselt. Võrkpallurid eelistavad enam õpetamist ja juhendamist, demokraatlikku käitumist, sotsiaalset toetust ja positiivset tagasisidet treeneritelt kui nad tegelikult tajuvad. 3. Sportlaste poolt hinnatud praeguse treeneri ja eelistatud treeneri eestvedamisstiilide vahel esinevad statistiliselt olulised erinevused (v.a. demokraatlikul käitumisel). 4. Naiskondadel esineb kõrgem grupisidusus võrreldes meeskondadega. Eesti meistri- ja esiliiga võrkpallurid hindavad grupi eesmärgisidusust kõrgemalt kui sotsiaalset sidusust. 5. Grupi eesmärgisidusus on seotud tajutud treeneri demokraatliku käitumise ning õpetamise ja juhendamisega. Grupi sotsiaalne sidusus on seotud tajutud treeneri demokraatliku käitumise ja positiivse tagasiside andmisega. 6. Naiskondadel esineb grupi eesmärgisidususe ja sportliku tulemuslikkuse vahel statistiliselt oluline seos. Meeskondade sportlikul tulemusel statistiliselt olulist seost grupi sidususe näitajatega ei leitud.
Estimation of the leadership of volleyball coaches and cohesion of their teams in season 2005/2006. The aim of this study was to estimate the leadership of Estonian coaches of volleyball and cohesion of their teams. Seven female and 6 male volleyball teams at Estonian Master and First League level (13 coaches, 124 athletes) completed the questionnaires (the Leadership Scale for Sports (LSS; Chelladurai & Saleh, 1980) and the Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ; Carron et al., 2002). The average age of participants was 21 years. We were interested in the congruence of perceived and preferred leadership behavior estimated by athletes. In addition, we assessed the discrepancy between the perceived leadership behavior estimated by athletes and self-reported leadership behavior estimated by coaches. Also we assessed the social and task cohesion of the teams and we were interested in the congruence between coach behavior and teams cohesion. The internal reliability indices (Cronbach’ alpha) for the five LSS subscales were relatively higher for the perceived coach behavior than for the preferred coach behavior. Significant difference was found between LSS dimensions between athlete’s preferred and perceived coach behaviors. In four dimensions preferred estimations were higher than perceived estimations. Statistically significant difference appeared between perceived coach- training and instruction, social support, positive feedback- and coaches’ own estimated behavior. The internal reliability indices for the two GEQ subscale were above .70. Correlations were statistically more significant between task cohesion and perceived LSS subscale. The major findings of the present study indicate that athlete’s perceived amount of coach leadership behavior is not related to their preferred amount of coach leadership behavior and coach behavior is related to task cohesion.



magistritööd, kehakultuur, võrkpall
