Ideede sidumine toetamaks uuendajaid ja ettevõtjaid
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Käesolevas töös esitletakse süsteemi, mis on võimeline sirvima veebist ettevõtluse ja tehnoloogiaga seotud andmeid, mida saab siduda kasutajate poolt Innovvoice platvormil välja pakutud ideedega. Selline teenus on ideabator platvormi väärtuslik osa, mis toetab ettevõtluse uuendajaid ja potentsiaalseid ettevõtjaid.
In this paper we show a system able to crawl content from the Web related to entrepreneurship and technology, to be matched with ideas proposed by users in the Innovvoice platform. We argue that such a service is a valuable component of an ideabator platform, supporting innovators and possible entrepreneurs.
In this paper we show a system able to crawl content from the Web related to entrepreneurship and technology, to be matched with ideas proposed by users in the Innovvoice platform. We argue that such a service is a valuable component of an ideabator platform, supporting innovators and possible entrepreneurs.