Muutuvad soorollikäsitlused ajakirjareklaamides ja nende tõlgendamine vastuvõtjate poolt
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Tartu Ülikool
Advertising provides interesting research material since it reflects cultural categories,
principles and stereotypes of the related society.
In my research paper I have studied four printed advertisements and how the recipient
interprets these advertisements. The selection of advertisements included A4 sized
advertisements representing the so-called indefinite gender roles published in magazines
Anne and DI in 2003. I chose advertisements representing indefinite gender roles to ensure
more complex and multi-layered interpretations. In my research I drew extensively from
the combined semiotic in-depth analyses method of Kerttu-Kaisa Kiviselg (2001) which
applies the theories of Barthes, Nöthi, Eco as well as Kress and van Leeuwen.
The research was performed as a systematic analyses and the description method covers
both the verbal and visual aspects of the advertising texts as well as their possible
The task of this research paper was to reveal the hidden meanings in the chosen
advertisements and evaluate both the visual and verbal aspects of the text. Similarly, I
compared the results of the text analysis based on the applied theories with the opinions of
the recipients of the advertisements (five Estonian men and women within the age group of
18 to 50 years) which were revealed in the performed interviews. The research showed that
the chosen advertisements helped to bring forward recipients‘ concepts and preferences in
relation to gender roles.
Also, according to the recipients, the chosen advertisements represented relatively
indefinite gender roles and often induced mixed feelings in the viewers.
The recipients preferred generally more stereotypical concepts of gender roles, although in
many cases it was obvious that the personal values and ideologies affected strongly their
interpretations of the advertisements.
The greatest difference in decoding the advertisements turned out to exist between the male
and female recipients. Men clearly preferred more stereotypical gender roles and concepts.
Women, as well as younger recipients, were less limited and less stereotypical in their
A tendency of basing one‘s interpretations on the general idea of the role of man or woman
in the Estonian society was noticeable in the interpretations of the recipients.
H Social Sciences (General), bakalaureusetööd, ajakirjandus, trükiajakirjandus, reklaam, ajakirjad, ajakirjandusreklaam, soorollid, muutused