Possible Mental Models for the Conductor to Support the Ensemble Playing of the Orchestra

dc.contributor.authorGerts, Mihhail
dc.contributor.otherPappel, Kristel, koostaja
dc.contributor.otherUusma, Hanna-Liisa, koostaja
dc.descriptionSummary available in Estonian
dc.descriptionKokkuvõte eesti keeleset
dc.description.abstractThe paper attempts to identify tools to enable the conductor to prevent problems in ensemble playing (keeping performers together). The purpose is to derive systematic mental models, the implementation of which would enable the conductor to prevent or reduce musical losses in the typical problematic situations that inevitably arise during performance. The author analyses passages from some of the musical works he conducted at the Estonian National Opera at the time of his doctoral studies (Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, 2007–2011). The aim is to identify, from individual cases which led to success or failure, certain more general principles. Through the analysis of typical situations mental models are derived, and their implementation in practical conducting is described. The passages analysed come mainly from orchestrally accompanied recitative. This choice, based primarily on the fact that stage music and especially such passages clearly highlight problems of ensemble, also highlights the desire to connect theoretical research with practical problems experienced while conducting. The methodological model is based on the work of conductor and psychologist Georgy Yerzhemsky, additionally supplemented by the opinions of many other conductors.
dc.description.sponsorshipEuropean Regional Development Funden
dc.description.sponsorshipCenter of Excellence for Estonian Studiesen
dc.description.sponsorshipRepublic of Estonia, Ministry of Cultureen
dc.description.sponsorshipEesti Vabariik, Kultuuriministeeriumet
dc.publisherEesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia
dc.publisherEesti Muusikateaduse Selts
dc.relation.ispartofRes Musica : Eesti Muusikateaduse Seltsi ja Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia muusikateaduslik aastaraamat
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Estoniaen
dc.titlePossible Mental Models for the Conductor to Support the Ensemble Playing of the Orchestra
dc.title.alternativeDirigendi mõtlemismudelid ansamblimängu toetamiseks orkestris


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