Impact of different mesh parameters on chronic pain and foreign body feeling after open inguinal hernia repair
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Peale võrkude kasutusele võtmist songade ravis on sagedaseks probleemiks muutunud songaplastika järgne krooniline valu ja võõrkehatunne, mis võivad oluliselt halvendada patsientide elukvaliteeti.
Antud uuringu eesmärgiks oli hinnata kroonilise valu ja võõrkehatunde esinemist erinevate võrkude kasutamisel ja selgitada millised võrgu omadused mõjutavad oluliselt krooniliste sümptomite teket kubemesonga plastika järgselt. Samuti oli eesmärgiks hinnata patsientide elukvaliteeti kubemesonga operatsiooni järgselt.
Kroonilist valu esines 6. operatsiooni järgsel kuul kuni 59,4 % ja võõrkehatunnet kuni 47,8 % patsientidest. Meie uuringu tulemuste kohaselt ei oma võrgu kaal, poori suurus ja võrku kinnitavad õmblused olulist mõju kroonilise valu tekkimisele. Kuna esines seos varajase tugeva valu ning kroonilise valu tekkimise vahel kubemesonga plastika järgselt, siis on vajalik parema operatsioonijärgse valuravi skeemi väljatöötamine. Kolm aastat peale operatsiooni esines kroonilist valu oluliselt vähem kui 6. operatsioonijärgsel kuul. Seega juhul, kui kaalutakse kroonilise valu tõttu kirurgilist ravi, tuleks see võimalusel edasi lükata rohkem kui aasta peale esmast operatsiooni. Arvestades, et kroonilise valu esinemine on kubemesonga plastika järgselt sage, peaks nendel patsientidel, kellele kubemesong kaebuseid ei põhjusta, kirurgilise ravi kuni kaebuste tekkimiseni edasi lükkama.
Sümptomaatilisi kubemesongasid on soovitav opereerida plaanilises korras esimesel võimalusel, kuna patsientide elukvaliteet paranes oluliselt kubemesonga operatsiooni järgselt. Samuti näitab elukvaliteedi paranemine kubemesonga plastika järgselt seda, et kubemesongadel on elukvaliteedile suurem mõju, kui seni arvatud.
Arvestades, et kubemesonga plastika järgne krooniline valu on sage probleem, siis on kindlasti vajalik võrkude muude omaduste ja eriti võrkude erinevate omaduste kombinatsioonide edasine uurimine.
After the widely used alloplasty in inguinal hernia surgery, the most common complications are chronic pain and foreign body feeling, which can have a major influence on patients’ quality of life. The aims of this study were to evaluate the rate of chronic pain and foreign body feeling after open inguinal hernia repair in case of using different meshes and to clarify which mesh parameters have a significant influence on development of chronic symptoms. Furthermore, the aim was to evaluate patients’ quality of life after inguinal hernia repair. Up to 59.4 % of patients reported having experienced pain during different activities at 6-month follow-up. The feeling of a foreign body in the inguinal region was experienced by up to 47.8 % of patients. According to our studies, the weight, pore size and suture fixation of a mesh do not have a significant impact on development of chronic pain. Considering the high rate of early severe postoperative pain and the association between early severe pain and development of chronic pain, a better postoperative pain control strategy is needed. Significantly less patients experienced pain during different activities at three-year follow-up compared to the results of 6-month follow-up. Therefore, if surgical treatment of chronic pain is considered, it should be postponed for more than one year after the primary operation. In asymptomatic cases postponement of hernia repair until development of complaints should be considered due to the high rate of chronic postoperative pain. Improvement in quality of life scores after inguinal hernia surgery indicates the importance of prompt elective repair of symptomatic inguinal hernias and demonstrates that inguinal hernias have a greater influence on quality of life than is generally thought. Regarding the high rate of chronic pain after inguinal hernia repair, other mesh parameters, paritcularly, their combinations should be explored.
After the widely used alloplasty in inguinal hernia surgery, the most common complications are chronic pain and foreign body feeling, which can have a major influence on patients’ quality of life. The aims of this study were to evaluate the rate of chronic pain and foreign body feeling after open inguinal hernia repair in case of using different meshes and to clarify which mesh parameters have a significant influence on development of chronic symptoms. Furthermore, the aim was to evaluate patients’ quality of life after inguinal hernia repair. Up to 59.4 % of patients reported having experienced pain during different activities at 6-month follow-up. The feeling of a foreign body in the inguinal region was experienced by up to 47.8 % of patients. According to our studies, the weight, pore size and suture fixation of a mesh do not have a significant impact on development of chronic pain. Considering the high rate of early severe postoperative pain and the association between early severe pain and development of chronic pain, a better postoperative pain control strategy is needed. Significantly less patients experienced pain during different activities at three-year follow-up compared to the results of 6-month follow-up. Therefore, if surgical treatment of chronic pain is considered, it should be postponed for more than one year after the primary operation. In asymptomatic cases postponement of hernia repair until development of complaints should be considered due to the high rate of chronic postoperative pain. Improvement in quality of life scores after inguinal hernia surgery indicates the importance of prompt elective repair of symptomatic inguinal hernias and demonstrates that inguinal hernias have a greater influence on quality of life than is generally thought. Regarding the high rate of chronic pain after inguinal hernia repair, other mesh parameters, paritcularly, their combinations should be explored.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.
kubemesong, alloplastilised implantaadid, krooniline valu, plastiline kirurgia, operatsioonijärgne periood, elukvaliteet, inguinal hernia, alloplastic implants, chronic pain, plastic surgery, postoperative period, quality of life