In vitro methods for studying the mechanisms of ribosome-targeting antibiotics
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Ribosoomis toimuv valkude biosüntees ehk translatsioon on eluks hädavajalik protsess, mistõttu on bakteri ribosoom ka üks peamisi antibakteriaalsete ainete sihtmärke. Antibiootikumresistentsuse kiire leviku tõttu on oluline tõhustada olemasolevaid ja töötada välja uusi raviaineid, ravimvorme ja raviskeeme. Enne kliinilisi katseid inimestel on aga aineid vajalik põhjalikult n.ö. katseklaasis (in vitro) kui ka nakkusmudelites (loomarakud/-koed/elusloomad) uurida. Klassikalistes in vitro meetodites kasutatav keskkond ei sarnane aga alati nakkusaegse peremeesorganismiga. Antud uurimistöö eesmärk oligi vaja välja töötada in vitro meetodeid, mis võimaldaksid uurida antibiootikume inimesega bioloogiliselt sarnases keskkonnas. Fookuses olid ribosoomiga seonduvad antibiootikumid.
Antud doktoritöös töötati välja meetodid, mis i) võimaldavad mõõta antibiootikumi vabanemist lokaalseks haavaraviks ette nähtud nanofiibritest; ii) selgitavad, kas verepuhvri olulise koostisosa, bikarbonaadi lisamine katsekeskkonda muudab in vitro antibiootikumtundlikkustestid kliiniliselt täpsemaks, ja iii) võimaldavad mõõta antibiootikumide mõju bakterite translatsiooni täpsusele. Kui testitud nanofiibrid näitasid suuri erinevusi antibiootikumi vabanemises vesikeskkonnas, siis väljatöötatud meetodid pooltahkes keskkonnas näitasid, et erinevused olid tegelikult väga väikesed. Bikarbonaadi katsed näitasid selgelt, et antibiootikumi toimet bakterile mõjutas bikarbonaadi ebapiisavast puhverdamisest tingitud pH-muutus. Töötati välja fluorestseeruvad translatsioonivigade reporterid, mis andsid uut teavet bakterite translatsiooni täpsuse kohta erinevates tüvedes, kasvukeskkondades, k.a. rakusisese nakkuse mudelites, ja antibiootikumide toimel. Kokkuvõttes võimaldavad antud doktoritöös välja töötatud meetodid ribosoomiga seonduvaid antibiootikume paremini uurida.
Protein biosynthesis, or translation, taking place in the ribosome is a fundamental life process. Therefore, bacterial ribosome is a major target for antibacterials. Due to the rapid spread of antibiotic resistance, it is important to make current pharmaceuticals and treatment schemes more efficient, as well as develop new and better ones. Before any clinical trials in humans, it is vital to test all potential drug candidates thoroughly in vitro as well as in infection models (cell and tissue culture / animal models). Classical in vitro environments are far from infection-mimicking conditions. The aim of the thesis was to develop in vitro methods, which would allow to study antibiotics in a biologically relevant environment. The thesis was focused on ribosome-targeting antibiotics. Methods were developed in this PhD thesis to: i) measure antibiotic release from nanofibers intended for local wound therapy; ii) explain whether the addition of blood buffer component bicarbonate improves the clinical predictability of antibiotic susceptibility tests; and iii) measure the effects of antibiotics on translational fidelity in bacteria. In contrast to large differences in drug release between tested mats seen in standard release assays in liquid environment, developed semi-solid release methods revealed only minor differences between the mats. Studies of bicarbonate effect showed clearly that the antibiotic potency was affected by the pH change of the medium induced by insufficiently buffered bicarbonate. Additionally, a new fluorescence-based bacterial translational fidelity reporter system was developed, which gave new insights into translational accuracy in different strains, growth environments, including in intracellular infection model, and upon antibiotic exposure. In summary, the developed methods allow to study ribosome-targeting antibiotics more efficiently.
Protein biosynthesis, or translation, taking place in the ribosome is a fundamental life process. Therefore, bacterial ribosome is a major target for antibacterials. Due to the rapid spread of antibiotic resistance, it is important to make current pharmaceuticals and treatment schemes more efficient, as well as develop new and better ones. Before any clinical trials in humans, it is vital to test all potential drug candidates thoroughly in vitro as well as in infection models (cell and tissue culture / animal models). Classical in vitro environments are far from infection-mimicking conditions. The aim of the thesis was to develop in vitro methods, which would allow to study antibiotics in a biologically relevant environment. The thesis was focused on ribosome-targeting antibiotics. Methods were developed in this PhD thesis to: i) measure antibiotic release from nanofibers intended for local wound therapy; ii) explain whether the addition of blood buffer component bicarbonate improves the clinical predictability of antibiotic susceptibility tests; and iii) measure the effects of antibiotics on translational fidelity in bacteria. In contrast to large differences in drug release between tested mats seen in standard release assays in liquid environment, developed semi-solid release methods revealed only minor differences between the mats. Studies of bicarbonate effect showed clearly that the antibiotic potency was affected by the pH change of the medium induced by insufficiently buffered bicarbonate. Additionally, a new fluorescence-based bacterial translational fidelity reporter system was developed, which gave new insights into translational accuracy in different strains, growth environments, including in intracellular infection model, and upon antibiotic exposure. In summary, the developed methods allow to study ribosome-targeting antibiotics more efficiently.
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