What is the impact of the Kurdish factor on securitization of the Turkish domestic politics and foreign affairs?
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Tartu Ülikool
This Master’s thesis looks at what is the impact of the Kurdish factor on
securitization of the Turkish domestic politics and foreign affairs. This is done by
combining the Copenhagen School theory and Paris School theory by blending the
elements of the speech act with the practical discourse. The aim of this thesis is to
look at both internal and external dimension of Turkey’s policy regarding the Kurdish
issue and link it with the interview discourse. The methodology of this master’s thesis
is discourse analysis by analyzing the media, the Hurriyet Daily News, the two
political parties’ websites and political speeches as a primary source. As a
supplementary source, interviews were conducted with two political parties, the AKP
and the HDP as well as with the civil society to analyze the official discourse that
emerged from the media and compare the analysis with the interview results. The
main analysis is put on the securitization point and the events that followed the
extensive securitization in the Turkish case. The concluding remarks will determine
whether the public has accepted the official discourse and how this is reflected in the
media as well as what emerged from the unofficial interviews.