Derivatization and quantitative gas-chromatographic analysis of oils
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Taimeõlid on taastuvad ressursid, mida on erinevatel eesmärkidel (näiteks toit, kunst, kosmeetika ja meditsiin) kasutatud sajandeid. Selleks, et oleks võimalik tuvastada ja kvantiseerida õli komponente, enne ja ka pärast selle kasutamist, on vaja väljatöötada põhjalikud ja täpsed analüüsimetoodikad. Üks kõige kasutatavam metood õlide analüüsiks on gaasikromatograafia (GC). Käesolevas doktoritöös võrreldi esimest korda põhjalikult nelja derivatiseerimismetoodikat, mida kasutatakse õlide GC analüüsil. Kvantitatiivse analüüsi, laborisisese korratavuse ja prooviettevalmistuse põhjal osutus värskete õlide analüüsil edukaimaks TMTFTH. Sõltumata aga derivatiseerimismetoodikast tuleks korrektse tulemuse esitamisel hinnata ka derivatiseerimisefektiivsuse (saagise) arvestamise vajalikkust. KOH‒BSTFA valiti esindama tüüpilist derivatiseerimismetoodikat eesmärgiga hinnata derivatiseerimise mõõtemääramatust kahe lähenemisega – traditsioonilise GUM-i ja Monte Carlo simulatsiooniga. Tulemused näitasid, et mõlema lähenemisega saadi sarnased mõõtemääramatuse hinnangud. Lisaks näitas analüüs, et kui sisendsuurused korreleeruvad omavahel, siis tuleb seda võtta arvesse ‒ vastasel juhul võib mõõtemääramatus olla suuresti ülehinnatud. Täiustatud kvantitatiivset GC meetodit koos happekatalüütilise metüülimisega (ACM) rakendati vanandatud pigmendi ja linaseemneõli segude analüüsiks. Absoluutne kvantiseerimine näitas, et peaaegu kõigi segude (v.a. tsinkvalge ja linaseemneõli) kuivamine oli mõjutatud pigmendi kontsentratsioonist. Värviproovide puhul analüüsiti ka suhteid (P/S, A/P, ∑D), mida on kasutatud värvi sideaine karakteriseerimiseks ja identifitseerimiseks. Analüüs näitas, et mainitud suhted sõltuvad pigmendist ja/või pigmendi kontsentratsioonist, mistõttu saab ainult äärmiselt kaalutletult nende suhete põhjal teha järeldusi sideaine kohta. Viimaks rakendati GC meetodit koos ACM derivatiseerimisega kahe kultuuriväärtuslikult objektilt võetud värviproovi ja ka pärmirakkude analüüsiks.
Vegetable oils are renewable resources that for centuries have been used for various purposes, including nutrition, art, cosmetics, and medicine. Therefore, accurate and comprehensive chemical analyses are needed to identify and quantify the components of these oils before and after their usage. One of the most used methods for this analysis is gas chromatography (GC). In this PhD thesis, four derivatization methods used in GC analysis of oils were comprehensively compared for the first time. Based on quantitative analysis, within-lab reproducibility, and ease of sample preparation, the TMTFTH is the preferred derivatization for the analysis fresh oils. However, regardless of the used method, the derivatization efficiency (yield) of the procedure should be considered when presenting the absolute quantities. KOH‒BSTFA method was chosen as a typical derivatization procedure to estimate the measurement uncertainty of derivatization with both the traditional GUM approach and Monte Carlo simulation. Both approaches were essentially equivalent in estimating the uncertainty of the derivatization. However, it was noted that the correlation between input quantities must be taken into account – otherwise, the uncertainty can be highly overestimated. The improved quantitative GC analysis with one of the derivatizations (acid-catalyzed methylation ‒ ACM) was applied for the analysis of artificially aged pigment and linseed oil mixtures with different ratios. The absolute quantification demonstrated that the drying of almost all paint mock-ups (except zinc white and linseed oil mixtures) was influenced by the pigment concentration. The analysis of the most common values used to characterize and identify the binding material (P/S, A/P, and ∑D) indicated that those ratios could only be used highly judiciously. Finally, the GC method including ACM derivatization was also applied for the analysis of case study paint samples from cultural heritage objects and yeast cells.
Vegetable oils are renewable resources that for centuries have been used for various purposes, including nutrition, art, cosmetics, and medicine. Therefore, accurate and comprehensive chemical analyses are needed to identify and quantify the components of these oils before and after their usage. One of the most used methods for this analysis is gas chromatography (GC). In this PhD thesis, four derivatization methods used in GC analysis of oils were comprehensively compared for the first time. Based on quantitative analysis, within-lab reproducibility, and ease of sample preparation, the TMTFTH is the preferred derivatization for the analysis fresh oils. However, regardless of the used method, the derivatization efficiency (yield) of the procedure should be considered when presenting the absolute quantities. KOH‒BSTFA method was chosen as a typical derivatization procedure to estimate the measurement uncertainty of derivatization with both the traditional GUM approach and Monte Carlo simulation. Both approaches were essentially equivalent in estimating the uncertainty of the derivatization. However, it was noted that the correlation between input quantities must be taken into account – otherwise, the uncertainty can be highly overestimated. The improved quantitative GC analysis with one of the derivatizations (acid-catalyzed methylation ‒ ACM) was applied for the analysis of artificially aged pigment and linseed oil mixtures with different ratios. The absolute quantification demonstrated that the drying of almost all paint mock-ups (except zinc white and linseed oil mixtures) was influenced by the pigment concentration. The analysis of the most common values used to characterize and identify the binding material (P/S, A/P, and ∑D) indicated that those ratios could only be used highly judiciously. Finally, the GC method including ACM derivatization was also applied for the analysis of case study paint samples from cultural heritage objects and yeast cells.
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oils, vegetable oils, chemical quantitative analysis, derivatization, gas chromatography