Edu ja ebaedu narratiivid telesarja “Õnne 13” stsenaariumites



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Tartu Ülikool



The Master’s thesis gives an overview of a narrative analysis method, which is trying to find a common structure of the story by analysing the narratives through roles and guiding forces of the story. One of the goals of my thesis was to test a method that is rarely used in social sciences in Estonia and try to give an overview of the possible usage, key points and threats of this method. The other goal of my thesis was to study how success and failure is being portrayed through stereotypes, ideologies and moral of the stories. To find the answers to the research questions and hypothesis, I took a closer look at ten narratives picturing success or failure in the scenarios of TV series “Õnne 13”. The method used in my research does not follow the ideas of Propp and Greimas to the detail, but is adapted to fit the research goals of the current thesis. Because of the uniqueness of the research material, which is more complex then myths or fairytales that were used in the studies by Propp and Greimas, the used method will have a bigger focus on the context and society. The changed focus is also necessary because of the goal of this research, which needs that context to detect the values, networks, motives and morals of the stories. The chosen method could be criticised for the ambiguousity in detecting the roles, but this in not an obstacle which can’t be overcome in further studies. The key results of the analysis is, that the chosen stories do not always follow the so- called fairytale narrative and this difference is especially visible in the stories picturing the failure. Also, the characters of the success stories are not always noble in their actions and motives, while the failure stories are not always completely negative. The moral messages from the stories often carry a social message, trying to give an advice or a warning about some actions, describe some ideology or show members of the social groups whose life is usually hidden from us. The discussion part of the thesis looks at the parallels between the TV series and popular narratives or characters in Estonian folk tales. This leads to a conclusion, that the stories and narratives told in every culture, bare the face of the given society. We may not like what the stories tell us, but people seldom like the truth anyway.


H Social Sciences (General)
