Nõuetetehnika meetodite rakendamine väledas arendusprotsessis ja selle tarbeks kombineeritud töövahendi loomine


The quality of software directly depends on its requirements, but in agile development, the use of classical requirements engineering methods and techniques is often questioned. This thesis hypothesizes that the systematic application of classical requirements engineering methods and a specialized tool in agile development processes increases the efficiency of requirements management, ensures sufficient quality of requirements, and allows for the development of a minimum viable product (MVP) that meets the client's needs within the specified timeframe and realistically estimated budget. The aim of the work was to create a simple tool that would make the process of identifying requirements faster and more efficient. To achieve this, the study examined how the application of classical requirements engineering methods affects the speed and quality of requirements management in agile software development. Additionally, it assessed whether a specially created tool helps to develop an MVP that meets the client's needs within the specified time and budget. The designed tool, RECT (Requirements Engineering Combined Tool), made the process of identifying requirements simpler, faster, and more efficient. It allowed for the systematization, categorization, and filtering of requirements and facilitated stakeholder collaboration under COVID-19 conditions. As a result, a comprehensive set of requirements was developed, which contributed to the delivery of a functional MVP within the specified timeframe. The client's feedback on the MVP was positive, which is an important criterion for assessing software quality. Other business analysts can also use the tool to improve their productivity and quality of work.



Tarkvaratehnika, nõuetetehnika, nõuded, ärianalüüs, ärianalüütik, huvipooled, läbirääkimine, prioritiseerimine
