Development of stimuli-responsive and covalent bisubstrate inhibitors of protein kinases
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Proteiinkinaasid on laialdaselt levinud ensüümid, mis katalüüsivad valkude fosforüülimist. Valkude fosforüülimine mõjutab arvukate mehhanismide kaudu pea kõiki raku funktsioone. Proteiinkinaaside talitlushäirete korral võib nende aktiivsus muutuda liigseks, mis on seotud erinevate haigustega, nt vähkkasvajatega. Proteiinkinaaside liigse aktiivsuse mahasurumiseks arendatakse inhibiitoreid, mille ülesandeks on tugevalt proteiinkinaasiga seonduda ning see seeläbi inaktiveerida. Viimase kahekümne aasta jooksul on ravimina kasutusele võetud ligi sada proteiinkinaasi inhibiitorit, mida rakendatakse enamasti vähkkasvajate raviks.
Tartu Ülikoolis, arendatakse bisubstraatseid proteiinkinaasi inhibiitoreid, mida nimetatakse ARC-inhibiitoriteks. Bisubstraatsus väljendub inhibiitori võimes seonduda korraga kahte proteiinkinaasi sidumispiirkonda, kuhu peaksid muidu seonduma substraadid. Tänu sellele saavutavad ARC-inhibiitorid väga tugeva seondumisvõime ja hea selektiivsuse.
Selles töös demonstreeriti, et optimeeritud struktuurimodifikatsioone kasutades oli ARC-inhibiitoritele võimalik lisada täiendavaid omadusi. Nimelt konstrueeriti kõrge seondumisvõimega proteiinkinaasi inhibiitorid, mille seondumisvõime ilmneb või kaob välise stiimuli rakendamisel (näiteks LED-valgustiga valgustamisel või redutseeriva keskkonna loomisel). Proteiinkinaasi inhibiitorite aktiivsuse kaudne juhtimine võiks viia tulevikus näiteks valgustundlike vähiravimiteni, mida saab kehas lokaalselt aktiveerida. Samuti töötati välja kovalentsed ARC-inhibiitorid, mis moodustavad proteiinkinaasiga seondumisel pöördumatu keemilise ehk kovalentse sideme. Kovalentse mehhanismi abil töötavad ravimid võimaldavad haigust tekitavaid sihtmärke teistest paremini eristada.
Uute inhibiitorite struktuuride disainimisel oli oluline osa varasemalt mõõdetud valgu-inhibiitori kristallstruktuuridel, mis võimaldasid ennustada proteiinkinaasi ja inhibiitori vahelisi interaktsioone. Töö illustreerib bisubstraatsete inhibiitorite modifitseerimise paindlikkust uute omaduste lisamiseks.
Protein kinases are enzymes, which catalyse protein phosphorylation. Protein phosphorylation affects almost all cell functions via a myriad of mechanisms. Dysregulation of protein kinases may lead to excess protein kinase activity, which is related to different kinds of diseases, including cancer. Inhibitors, which bind protein kinases and deactivate them, are developed. During the past twenty years around 100 protein kinase inhibitors have been approved as drugs. ARC-inhibitors are bisubstrate protein kinase inhibitors, which have been developed in the University of Tartu for the past 30 years. Bisubstrate inhibitors bind two protein kinase binding sites simultaneously and thus prevent the substrates from binding. Therefore, ARC inhibitors have a very strong binding affinity and good selectivity towards their protein kinase targets. However, the structures of bisubstrate inhibitors are usually larger and more complicated. It was demonstrated that special features can be added to ARC-inhibitors by incorporating optimized structural modifications. Namely, high affinity stimuli-responsive bisubstrate protein kinase inhibitors were constructed, which could be activated or deactivated on command using different stimuli (e.g., by illuminating with LED light or producing a reductive environment). For example, the ability to remotely regulate protein kinase inhibitors could lead to light-sensitive cancer drugs, which could be locally activated. Further, covalent ARC-inhibitors were developed, which form an irreversible covalent bond to their target protein kinase. The inhibitors which function via a covalent mechanism can be more selective towards their target. Previously measured crystal structures of protein-inhibitor complexes were an important element in the design of new inhibitors. This work illustrates the flexibility of bisubstrate protein kinase inhibitor structures for integrating new features.
Protein kinases are enzymes, which catalyse protein phosphorylation. Protein phosphorylation affects almost all cell functions via a myriad of mechanisms. Dysregulation of protein kinases may lead to excess protein kinase activity, which is related to different kinds of diseases, including cancer. Inhibitors, which bind protein kinases and deactivate them, are developed. During the past twenty years around 100 protein kinase inhibitors have been approved as drugs. ARC-inhibitors are bisubstrate protein kinase inhibitors, which have been developed in the University of Tartu for the past 30 years. Bisubstrate inhibitors bind two protein kinase binding sites simultaneously and thus prevent the substrates from binding. Therefore, ARC inhibitors have a very strong binding affinity and good selectivity towards their protein kinase targets. However, the structures of bisubstrate inhibitors are usually larger and more complicated. It was demonstrated that special features can be added to ARC-inhibitors by incorporating optimized structural modifications. Namely, high affinity stimuli-responsive bisubstrate protein kinase inhibitors were constructed, which could be activated or deactivated on command using different stimuli (e.g., by illuminating with LED light or producing a reductive environment). For example, the ability to remotely regulate protein kinase inhibitors could lead to light-sensitive cancer drugs, which could be locally activated. Further, covalent ARC-inhibitors were developed, which form an irreversible covalent bond to their target protein kinase. The inhibitors which function via a covalent mechanism can be more selective towards their target. Previously measured crystal structures of protein-inhibitor complexes were an important element in the design of new inhibitors. This work illustrates the flexibility of bisubstrate protein kinase inhibitor structures for integrating new features.
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protein kinases, inhibitors, modifications, molecular design