2007. aasta Eesti valimiskampaaniate analüüs
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Tartu Ülikool
Analysis of Estonian electoral campaigns of 2007
The aim of the bachelor thesis was to analyze Estonian electoral campaigns of 2007
parliament elections, while mainly concentrating on qualitative semi structured expert
interviews. Considering the fact, that political campaigning is largely party-specific, the main
information used in this work, is based on six campaign managers interviews, carried out by
the author of this paper in April 2009. The paper argues that political marketing has obvious
reasons for distinguishing it from product marketing.
The paper is focused on six different parties – Eesti Keskerakond, Eesti Reformierakond,
Erakond Eestimaa Rohelised, Sotsiaaldemokraatlik Erakond and Isamaa ja Res Publica Liit.
All forenamed were elected to the parliament. The paper explores the underlying reasons for
that, namely the political strategies that were used by different parties. The study seeks for
dissimilarities and similarities between different parties concerning target groups, campaign
main topics, resources and channels used for marketing. Also it compares Emor public
opinion poll results from period October 2006 till March 2007 with parties campaigns
different phases. Parties financial reports that were presented to Riigikogu special commission
are also examined. The hole analyze is associated with theoretical material about political
marketing and political branding.
The study found out that the financial conditions were extremely different between parties –
Eesti Keskerakond used approximately 41 million kroons for it´s campaign while party
Eestimaa Rohelised used only 2,4 million kroons. Different were also other conditions – some
parties had been on political landscape for more than a decade, while others had just entered
it, different was the public opinion as some of the politicians were caught in corruption
scandals. These are only some reasons why this paper argues that there are significant
differences between six analyzed parties. Some of them could be categorized as productdriven,
some as sale-driven and some as market-driven parties.
In short, this paper offers opportunities for explaining and understanding 2007 Estonian
election campaigns and brings out the most important keywords in different campaigns.
Although while examining this thesis a number of additional themes surfaced that could be
investigated in future.
H Social Sciences (General), bakalaureusetööd, poliitiline kommunikatsioon, poliitiline kultuur, valimised, parlamendivalimised