The effects of microenvironment on skin cells
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Peamised rakud inimese nahakoes on keratinotsüüdid, melanotsüüdid ja fibroblastid. Kõigil kolmel rakutüübil on oma spetsiifiline ülesanne nahakoes: tihedalt mitmekihilise struktuurina paiknevad keratinotsüüdid tagavad organismile esmase kaitse väliste keskkonnamõjude, sealhulgas patogeenide eest; pigmendisünteesi eest vastutavad melanotsüüdid; ning fibroblastid, mis on peamised rakuväliste valkude tootjateks. Kuid ülesandeid, mida naharakud peavad täitma, on kordades rohkem ning paljud neist pole veel teada või vajavad täiendavaid uuringuid.
Selleks, et rakud oma spetsiifilisi funktsioone täita saaksid, on vajalik koele omase võrkja tugisüsteemi – rakuvälise maatriksi olemasolu. Väga oluline on rakkude õige funktsioneerimine tagada tehiskude arendamisel. Vajadus nahakoe siirdamiste järele on maailmas üha suurenemas. Biotehnoloogilisel teel saadud nahakoest soovitakse leida abi nii suurte põletuste, krooniliste haavandite kui ka kaasasündinud ja omandatud nahadefektide ravis.
Käesoleva uurimistöö laiemaks eesmärgiks oli töötada välja nahale iseloomulike keemiliste ja füüsikaliste omadustega struktuurne materjal, mis võimalikult hästi imiteeriks füsioloogilist rakuvälist maatriksit. Selleks, et eelnevalt teada saada rakkude võimalikud ülesanded, tegime kindlaks rakkudes ekspresseeruvad geenid kogu transkriptoomi tasemel. Arendasime välja biosobivad materjalid ning hindasime neil kasvatatud naharakkude bioloogilisi omadusi – elulemust, paljunemist, morfoloogiat.
Kokkuvõtteks, rakuvälise keskkonna omadused mõjutavad oluliselt rakkude kasvu, paljunemist ning morfoloogiat. Selleks, et saavutada füsioloogilisele nahale võimalikult sarnaselt funktsioneeriv nahaanaloog on lisaks keemilistele omadustele ülioluline saavutada ka koele iseloomulik struktuursus ja mehaanilised omadused.
In skin tissue the predominant cell types are keratinocytes, melanocytes and fibroblasts. All these cells have specific roles to play: keratinocytes form a dense multilayer structure that acts as the primary defense mechanism of the organism against environmental influences, including pathogens; melanocytes are responsible for pigment synthesis; and fibroblasts are the main producers of extracellular proteins. However, skin cells have a plethora of functions and many of these are still unknown or require additional studies. For the cells to perform their specific functions, a net-like support structure called extracellular matrix, typical for tissues, is needed. Guaranteeing the right functioning of cells is very important in the development of artificial tissues. The need for skin transplants is steadily increasing all over the world. It is hoped that skin tissues produced by tissue engineering may help in the treatment of extensive burns, chronic ulcers and both congenital and acquired skin defects. The general aim of this study was to develop a structural material with chemical and physical properties characteristic to natural skin that would mimic physiological extracellular matrix as exactly as possible. To determine the possible functions of the cells, we performed a gene expression analysis at the whole transcriptome level. After that we developed biocompatible materials and evaluated the biological properties – survival, proliferation and morphology – of the skin cells grown on these materials. In conclusion, the properties of the extracellular environment have major impact on the growth and morphology of the cells. For a skin analogue to have a functionality very similar to physiological skin, not only its chemical properties, but also its structurality and mechanical properties should mimic those of natural tissue.
In skin tissue the predominant cell types are keratinocytes, melanocytes and fibroblasts. All these cells have specific roles to play: keratinocytes form a dense multilayer structure that acts as the primary defense mechanism of the organism against environmental influences, including pathogens; melanocytes are responsible for pigment synthesis; and fibroblasts are the main producers of extracellular proteins. However, skin cells have a plethora of functions and many of these are still unknown or require additional studies. For the cells to perform their specific functions, a net-like support structure called extracellular matrix, typical for tissues, is needed. Guaranteeing the right functioning of cells is very important in the development of artificial tissues. The need for skin transplants is steadily increasing all over the world. It is hoped that skin tissues produced by tissue engineering may help in the treatment of extensive burns, chronic ulcers and both congenital and acquired skin defects. The general aim of this study was to develop a structural material with chemical and physical properties characteristic to natural skin that would mimic physiological extracellular matrix as exactly as possible. To determine the possible functions of the cells, we performed a gene expression analysis at the whole transcriptome level. After that we developed biocompatible materials and evaluated the biological properties – survival, proliferation and morphology – of the skin cells grown on these materials. In conclusion, the properties of the extracellular environment have major impact on the growth and morphology of the cells. For a skin analogue to have a functionality very similar to physiological skin, not only its chemical properties, but also its structurality and mechanical properties should mimic those of natural tissue.
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nahk (anat.), nahafüsioloogia, biomaterjalid, skin, physiology of skin, biomaterials