The formation of editing culture and practice in Estonian newspapers 1988–2005
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Kertu Saks`a doktoritöö on ajalooline tagasivaade iseseisva eestikeelse ajalehe toimetamiskultuuri ja -praktika kujunemisele siirdeperioodil ja arengule Eesti taasiseseisvumise järel. Doktoriöö analüüsib eesti ajalehtede toimetamise struktuuride, ajakirjanduslike praktikate ja -rutiinide muutumist alates aastast 1988, kui nõukogude perioodi lõpufaasis ilmusid taas turule orienteeritud väljaanded.
Uurimused, millel doktoritöö põhineb, ulatuvad analüüsides aastani 2005, mil võib väita, et eesti ajalehed olid jõudnud arengus suhtelise stabiilsuse perioodi. Töö kirjeldab arenguid eesti ajalehtede toimetamiskultuuris ajalehe organisatsioonis ja tootes toimunud muutuste näitel. Samuti analüüsitakse töös, kuidas loodi ja kasutati toimetamist puudutavaid norme, standardeid ja enese-regulatsiooni vahendeid. Viimatinimetatud muutusi kirjeldatakse eesti ajalehtede keelestiilikorralduse arengu näitel.
Toimetamiskultuuri kui kontseptsiooni kujutatakse käesolevas töös laiemas ajakirjanduskultuuri kontekstis. Üheks oluliseks märksõnaks töös on siirdeperiood (üleminekuperiood nõukogude ühiskonnast vabasse ühiskonda). Eesti meedia sisenes siirdeperioodi poliitilistel ja sotsiaalsetel põhjustel. Siirdeperioodi iseloomustasid mitmed paralleelsed protsessid nagu demokratiseerumine, turu vabanemine ning tarbimise kasv. Kõik need protsessid mängisid rolli ka ajalehemeedia arengutes.
Ühe erandiga katavad kõik töö aluseks olnud artiklid üksnes eesti ajalehemeediat.
Uurimus III analüüsib teatud määral muutusi ka Eesti telekanalite ja ajakirjade turul.
Doktoritöö koosneb avaldatud artiklitest. Igas uurimisartiklis on sõnastatud eraldi uurimisküsimused. Kõik uurimused (eriti aga I uurimus) analüüsivad eesti ajalehtede toimetamiskultuuri(de) kujunemist organisatsiooni ja toote muutuste kirjeldamise kaudu aastatel 1988 kuni 2005. Uurimus II ja IV analüüsivad muutustele iseloomulikke faase keelestiili korralduse näitel. Uurimus III keskendub professionaalsete ajakirjanduspraktikate arengule väikesel meediaturul ning analüüsib piiride hägustumist toimetuse- ja reklaammaterjalide vahel eesti meedias.
Kuna töö kasutab algandmetena nii tekstianalüüsi kui ka ajalehe toimetustes kehtivaid suulisi regulatsioone (kokkuleppeid), mis võivad eksisteerida kõikvõimalikes
vormides, on ka uurimustes kasutatud väga erinevaid meetodeid, nagu teksti- ja dokumendianalüüs, formaliseeritud küsimustikud, intervjuud ning võrdlev- ja diskursuseanalüüs.
Töö teoreetiline kontekst keskendub enam ajakirjanduspraktikaid puudutavatele teooriatele. Töö järelduste peatükk võtab uurimuste ning doktoritöö katustekstis toodud järeldused kokku käsitledes:
I. Eesti ajalehtede organisatsiooni ja toote üldiseid muutusi ja arengufaase
II. Uute ajalehe toimetamiskultuuri(de) teket Eestis 1988–2005
III. Peamisi arenguid eesti ajalehtede keelestiilikorralduses 1988–2005
IV. Ajakirjandusliku- ja reklaammaterjali hübridiseerumist eesti meedias
Kertu Saks` dissertation gives a historical view to the formation of Estonian newspaper editing culture from the dawn of the second period of independence in Estonian history. The aim of the dissertation is to analyse the structural changes that influenced the ways Estonian newspapers were edited during and after the transition period from 1988, when the first new market-oriented editions were published after the fall of the Soviet Union, until 2005, when it might be said that Estonian newspapers had reached a phase of stability in development. Editing culture as a concept has been introduced by the author in order to highlight the editing related specific features of journalistic culture. Linguo-stylistic planning is in this dissertation used as a term covering the language usage and language style rules followed in newspaper editing. An important keyword in this dissertation is transition. The Estonian media entered the period of transition triggered by political and social reasons. The dissertation has been compiled of the publications. The specific research questions and levels of analysis vary throughout the articles. The articles, presented as a dissertation, are able to answer the general questions as follows: All studies (and particularly Study I) in this dissertation analyse general developments in Estonian newspaper organisations and editing on a time scale from 1988 until 2005. Studies II and IV (originally published in Estonian and translated for the dissertation into English) analyse the formation of Estonian newspaper editing culture using the example of the linguo-stylistic planning and regulations in Estonian newspapers. Study III analyses the issues of professional journalistic practices in a small media market, specifically the diminution of the border between editorial and advertising material in Estonian media. The cover text of the dissertation gives a synthesis of the basic essence of the studies in this dissertation and provides a more general approach to the development of newspaper editing culture. With one exception the studies that are the basis of this dissertation cover only Estonian newspaper media. Study III also presents commercialisation and hybridisation related research findings in other Estonian media channels and mediums. The studies in the dissertation are based on a variety of methodological approaches. As the scope of the dissertation includes, in its research questions, the creation of both implicit and explicit editing norms and standards in Estonian newspapers, and as these types of regulations can occur in very different forms, the methodology also covers a range of different tools from text and document analysis to formalized questionnaires, as well as comparative, and discourse, analysis. In conclusion the dissertation describes the following: I. The general changes and development phases of Estonian newspaper organisations and products from 1988 to 2005. II. The forming of new newspaper editing culture(s) in Estonia from 1988 – 2005 III. The main developments in linguo-styslistic planning in Estonian newspapers from 1988 to 2005 IV. Commercialisation expressed in the hybridisation of journalistic and promotional material in Estonian media
Kertu Saks` dissertation gives a historical view to the formation of Estonian newspaper editing culture from the dawn of the second period of independence in Estonian history. The aim of the dissertation is to analyse the structural changes that influenced the ways Estonian newspapers were edited during and after the transition period from 1988, when the first new market-oriented editions were published after the fall of the Soviet Union, until 2005, when it might be said that Estonian newspapers had reached a phase of stability in development. Editing culture as a concept has been introduced by the author in order to highlight the editing related specific features of journalistic culture. Linguo-stylistic planning is in this dissertation used as a term covering the language usage and language style rules followed in newspaper editing. An important keyword in this dissertation is transition. The Estonian media entered the period of transition triggered by political and social reasons. The dissertation has been compiled of the publications. The specific research questions and levels of analysis vary throughout the articles. The articles, presented as a dissertation, are able to answer the general questions as follows: All studies (and particularly Study I) in this dissertation analyse general developments in Estonian newspaper organisations and editing on a time scale from 1988 until 2005. Studies II and IV (originally published in Estonian and translated for the dissertation into English) analyse the formation of Estonian newspaper editing culture using the example of the linguo-stylistic planning and regulations in Estonian newspapers. Study III analyses the issues of professional journalistic practices in a small media market, specifically the diminution of the border between editorial and advertising material in Estonian media. The cover text of the dissertation gives a synthesis of the basic essence of the studies in this dissertation and provides a more general approach to the development of newspaper editing culture. With one exception the studies that are the basis of this dissertation cover only Estonian newspaper media. Study III also presents commercialisation and hybridisation related research findings in other Estonian media channels and mediums. The studies in the dissertation are based on a variety of methodological approaches. As the scope of the dissertation includes, in its research questions, the creation of both implicit and explicit editing norms and standards in Estonian newspapers, and as these types of regulations can occur in very different forms, the methodology also covers a range of different tools from text and document analysis to formalized questionnaires, as well as comparative, and discourse, analysis. In conclusion the dissertation describes the following: I. The general changes and development phases of Estonian newspaper organisations and products from 1988 to 2005. II. The forming of new newspaper editing culture(s) in Estonia from 1988 – 2005 III. The main developments in linguo-styslistic planning in Estonian newspapers from 1988 to 2005 IV. Commercialisation expressed in the hybridisation of journalistic and promotional material in Estonian media
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.
dissertatsioonid, Eesti, ajalehed, poliitilised muutused, sotsiaalsed muutused, , toimetamine, ajakirjandusajalugu, ajakirjandusteadus, Estonica kogu, 1988-2005, Estonia, newspapers, political changes, social changes, editing, history of journalism, journalism, media