Filosoofia osakonna bakalaureusetööd – Bachelor's theses
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Sirvi Filosoofia osakonna bakalaureusetööd – Bachelor's theses Märksõna "artificial intelligence" järgi
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Kirje How can artificial intelligence be risky?(Tartu Ülikool, 2019) Luik, Taavi; Volberg, Mats, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Filosoofia osakondIn this thesis, I research risks associated with artificial intelligence (AI) – how could AI lead to us losing something we value? I stress that when defining AI, we cannot be too human-centric or require the existence of general intelligence. Narrow AI systems that are very different from humans can be powerful enough to pose risks. Many risks originate from unintended consequences, yet many actual risks come from using AI as a tool in zero or negative sum games, to use concepts of game theory. I stress that AI should not be treated so much as an abstract phenomena of the future, but as an already existing phenomena that requires analysis. The values and goals of humans are often in conflict and this requires a solution, since the progress of technology is accelerating, enabling more different goals to be achieved, and we are often unable to keep up with this pace. AI can provide a partial solution to the existence of instrumental conflicts by enabling us to reconsider them – it is possible that what we have desired so far is no longer relevant.Kirje Kas tehisintellekti teadvus on võimalik?(Tartu Ülikool, 2021) Mõttus, Lilian; Mölder, Bruno, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Filosoofia osakondKiire tehnika on tekitanud üha rohkem küsimusi ja arvamusi sellest, milliseks võivad tulevikutehnoloogiad kujuneda ning kuidas need inimkonda mõjutavad. Nõrgast tehisintellektist on saanud igapäevane abikäsi, selle suure populaarsuse tõttu arendatakse kiiresti üha uuemaid tehnikavahendeid, millesse on tehisintellekt integreeritud. Selle bakalaureusetöö probleemsituatsiooniks oli küsimus, kas tehisintellekti teadvus ja eneseteadvus on võimalik, ning millised oleksid nende tekke tingimused. Tehisintellekt on teooria programmist, mis käitub kui inimene. Selline programm on arenenum versioon tänapäeval kasutusel olevatest nõrkadest tehisintellektidest, mida kasutatakse nii isesõitvates autodes, telefonirakendustes kui ka robottolmuimejates. Kui aga tehisintellekt on inimintellekti põhjal loodud programm, tekib küsimus, kas on võimalik, et sellisel programmil võiks tekkida teadvus?Kirje Moraalne parendamine: tehisintellekti ja neuroloogilise sekkumise võrdlus(Tartu Ülikool, 2018) Suuder, Ingrid; Simm, Kadri, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkond; Tartu Ülikool. Filosoofia osakondThe aim of this study is to compare two methods of possible human moral bioenhancement: Artificial Intelligence (AI) as supportive method and mild neuroenhancement. As scientific developements have made it possible to consider and practice human physiological enhancement, in recent years the discussion has been concentrating on moral enhancement as well. By biological enhancement I mean biological interventions used to improve human capabilities and bodies beyond mere necessity of restoring or sustaining health. Moral bioenhancement is used as definition of improving human moral capabilities and standards by biological interventions, as opposed to traditional means as teaching and socializing. The aim of the study is not to express that moral bioenhancement is ethical but rather to find out that if this would be the case, which kind of means to achieve the goal would be more ethical and worth considering.