Infohariduse osakond. Department of Information Studies
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Kirje 10.-12. klassi õpilaste infovajadused ja kasutatavad infoallikad Rakvere Reaalgümnaasiumi ja Vinni-Pajusti Gümnaasiumi näitel(2010-06-03T10:59:48Z) Sihvart, TiiaKirje 2001-2011 ilmunud eesti laste- ja noortekirjandus Saare Maakonna Keskraamatukogus(TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia, 2012-06-12) Kukk, Pille; Tartu Ülikool. Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia. Infohariduse osakondKirje Aastate 1918-1940 Saaremaa raamatukirjastajad(2008-06-20T06:34:37Z) Raamat, LeaKirje Aastatel 1918-1940 eestikeelsetes ajalehtedes ilmunud jutulisade bibliograafia(2010-06-03T10:53:41Z) Salu, MarikaKirje Aastatel 1918-1940 ilmunud eestikeelsete separaatide bibliograafia(TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia, 1996) Solo, Külli; Vaaro, Ilmar, juhendaja; TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia. Infohariduse osakond; Tartu Ülikool. Humanitaarteaduste ja kunstide valdkondKirje Aastatel 1918-1940 Saaremaa ajalehtedes ilmunud jutulisad(TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia, 2012-06-12) Alas, Maie; Tartu Ülikool. Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia. Infohariduse osakondKirje Agronoomide kutsekoda : lõputöö(TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia, 2011) Reiss, ErikaKirje Aleksander Suumani bibliograafia(2009-06-09T07:44:47Z) Rand, LeaKirje Arhiivinduse korraldamine Riigimetsa Majandamise Keskuses(2008-06-20T08:22:44Z) Saare, SirleKirje Arstide kutsekoda: ülesanded, struktuur ja liikmeskond 1935-1940(TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia, 2013) Leemets, Eveli; Leppik, Lea, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia. Infohariduse osakond; Tartu Ülikool. Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia. Info- ja dokumendihalduse erialaKirje AS Eesti Post struktuur ja asjaajamise ühtlustamine Viljandi kontori näitel 01.05.1991-01.02.2010(2010-06-08T07:10:50Z) Süvaorg, MerveKirje Booking systems of small and medium-sized enterprises and organisations(TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia, 2013) Neuvonen, Sakari; Murakas, Rain, juhendaja; Viin, Tiina, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia. Infohariduse osakond; Tartu Ülikool. Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia. Virtuaalkeskkondade loomine ja arendusKirje Challenges of implementing customer discovery in learning analytics: a case study of Algole(University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy, 2014) Laks, Ivar; Gaurav, Himshwet; Sults, Marge, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia. Virtuaalkeskkondade loomine ja arendusThere is a strong mismatch between demand and supply in current state of higher education in India. Over a million students aspire for a seat in the coveted top tier universities offering around 15 000 places. The students have to undergo a series of entrance examinations and based on their performance top candidates are offered a place. This gap between demand and supply has given birth to a highly competitive environment where students reach out to professional coaching institutions to improve their chances of success in the entrance examinations. The teaching methods of the coaching institutions do not consider the characteristics of different students and do not provide guidance based on the students actual needs. Algole, a learning analytics startup, is building a system to optimize students test taking strategy and help them achieve a higher score in the entrance examination. To validate the problem and solution the Algole’s team used the knowledge of Eric Ries’ Lean startup and Steve Blank’s customer development methodology. This aim of this thesis is to discover the specific challenges of implementing customer discovery methodology, the first of customer development, in the field of learning analytics. The thesis further concentrates on Algole with an aim to discover flaws in their conducted customer discovery process and provide critique and recommendations for validating their business model hypothesis. To conduct this research authors had access to all the data Algole’s team had gathered during their customer discovery process and held several interviews with the team members. Based on this information a detailed account is given about the chosen methods used by Algole and by analysing gathered data the authors of this thesis derive to the following conclusions.Kirje Combining real-life and internet marketing methods in construction field to market RentSOS(University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy, 2014) Allik, Annely; Borissov, Roman; Maibak, Heleen, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia. Virtuaalkeskkondade loomine ja arendusThe purpose of this thesis is to provide some ideas as to whether it is possible and effective for a new IT product to create value for construction companies via relationship marketing and internet marketing within the construction industry. As well as to provide a modified marketing mix for RentSOS, combined by relationship marketing and internet marketing methods, that can be applied at the same time. The motivation of the thesis is to look inside on an area, which gets very little attention in marketing literature, which is the B2B relationships on construction industry and effective internet marketing in B2B and B2C methods taking into account the specificities of the construction rental sector. The following hypothesis have been set: H1: Construction companies in Estonia are not using all the possible real-life marketing methods. H2: Construction companies in Estonia are not using all the possible internet marketing methods. The companies studied for relation marketing are Ramirent, Cramo and Storent. They have the ambition to be a big player in whole Estonian construction rental market. The companies studied for internet marketing are Ramirent, Cramo and Storent. These companies are considered an interesting and rewarding object for a research due to author’s goal to investigate their marketing methods in order to find out the best marketing mix for new IT product-RentSOS.Kirje Digitaaldokumentide säilimine elektroonilises dokumendihaldussüsteemis ja digitaaldokumentidele vajalikud metaandmed(2008-06-20T09:31:30Z) Käärik, AnuKirje Dokumendihalduri tööülesannete määratlemine ministeeriumites dokumendihaldusega tegelevate ametnike näitel(2010-06-08T06:49:19Z) Velbaum, AiliKirje E-raamatute laenutamine rahvaraamatukogudes. Kasutajate hoiakud ja kogemused Tallinna keskraamatukogu ja Tartu O. Lutsu nimelise Linnaraamatukogu näitel(TÜ Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia, 2013) Lõokene, Marite; Põldaas, Mai, juhendaja; Tartu Ülikool. Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia. Infohariduse osakond; Tartu Ülikool. Viljandi Kultuuriakadeemia. Raamatukogundus ja infokeskkonnadKirje Eesti Ajalooarhiivi andmebaasid Euroopa inforuumi taustal(2009-06-09T08:05:49Z) Kuusiku, Hedi-RiinKirje Eesti hotellide veebilehtedel pakutavad e-teenused(2008-06-20T06:37:04Z) Salf, KerstiKirje Eesti keeleressursid Internetis(2008-06-20T09:33:13Z) Tobreluts, Lea