Matrix effects in liquid-chromatography electrospray mass-spectrometry
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Maatriksefektid tekivad ESI ionisatsiooniallikas analüüdi ionisatsioonil kui analüüdiga samal ajal elueerub vedelikkromatograafist kaasa mõni maatriksi komponent. Enamasti väljendub maatriksefekt analüüdi ionisatsiooniefektiivsuse languses – st kromatogrammil nähtav analüüdi piik proovi korral on väiksem kui sama kontsentratsiooniga analüüdi standardlahuse puhul. Selline fenomen viib alandatud analüüsitulemuseni. Seetõttu on oluline üritada maatriksefekti vähendada või arvesse võtta. Käesolevas töös esitatakse viis lähenemisviisi maatriksefekti vastu võitlemiseks. Kaks neist annavad võimaluse maatriksefekti vähendamiseks – prooviettevalmistuse optimeerimine ning ESI/MS parameetrite optimeerimine. Kaks meetodit võimaldavad maatriksefekti arvesse võtta – maatriksefekti arvestamine analüüsitulemuse määramatuse koosseisus ning korrigeerimine taustaioonide signaalide kaudu. Samuti esitatakse kombinatsiooniline meetod – ekstrapoleeriv lahjendus. Kõik lähenemisviisid on valideeritud ja nende rakendatavus testitud reaalsetel proovidel. Viiest lähenemisviisist kolm on kirjeldatud esmakordselt.
The matrix effect occurs in ESI ionization source in LC/ESI/MS analyses. The ionization efficiency of the analyte changes (usually decreases) due to co-eluting matrix compounds. Therefore underestimated analysis results are observed. In order to improve the accuracy of LC/ESI/MS measurements matrix effect should be reduced (preferably eliminated) or accounted for. In this work altogether five approaches are proposed for combating the matrix effect on the example of pesticide analyses in fruits and vegetables. Two methods – improvement of sample preparation and optimization of ESI/MS parameters – are used to reduce matrix effect. Accounting for matrix effect in the uncertainty of the analytical result and correcting of the analysis result via background ion signals are introduced as methods of accounting for matrix effect. As a combinational method extrapolative dilution is introduced. All the approaches are validated and tested on real samples. Three of the five approaches are presented for the first time.
The matrix effect occurs in ESI ionization source in LC/ESI/MS analyses. The ionization efficiency of the analyte changes (usually decreases) due to co-eluting matrix compounds. Therefore underestimated analysis results are observed. In order to improve the accuracy of LC/ESI/MS measurements matrix effect should be reduced (preferably eliminated) or accounted for. In this work altogether five approaches are proposed for combating the matrix effect on the example of pesticide analyses in fruits and vegetables. Two methods – improvement of sample preparation and optimization of ESI/MS parameters – are used to reduce matrix effect. Accounting for matrix effect in the uncertainty of the analytical result and correcting of the analysis result via background ion signals are introduced as methods of accounting for matrix effect. As a combinational method extrapolative dilution is introduced. All the approaches are validated and tested on real samples. Three of the five approaches are presented for the first time.
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dissertatsioonid, analüütiline keemia, massispektromeetria, vedelikukromatograafia, optimeerimine, analytical chemistry, mass spectrometry, liquid cromatography, optimization