Natural vibrations of elastic stepped plates with cracks
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Konstruktsioonide seisukorra hindamiseks kasutatakse mittepurustavaid meetodeid, mis võimaldavad konstruktsioonide defekte tuvastada ilma neid purustamata. Mittepurustavaid meetodeid on mitmeid, üks neist on omavõnke meetod. See meetod põhineb konstruktsiooni omadusel iseseisvalt võnkuda teatud sagedustel. Neid sagedusi nimetatakse omavõnkesagedusteks. konstruktsioonide omavõnkesageduste teoreetiline uurimine ongi käesoleva dissertatsiooni põhiteemaks.
Antud dissertatsioonis vaadeldakse kahte tüüpi astmeliste konstruktsioonide omavõnkumisi. Vaatluse all on, kuidas praod mõjutavad nende konstruktsioonide omavõnkesagedusi. Praod on stabiilsed, konstantse pikkusega ja asuvad konstruktsiooni astme kohtades.
Antud töö võiks tinglikult jagada kolme osasse. Esimeses osas vaadeldakse pragude mõju isotroopsest materjalist plaadi ribade omavõnkumisele erinevate kinnitustingimuste korral. Teises osas on vaatluse all pragude roll anisotroopsest materjalist plaatide korral. Kolmas osa uurib pragudega anisotroopseid plaate, mis on elastsel alusel.
Käesolevas dissertatsioonis arendati välja uus analüütiline meetod, mis baseerub klassikalisel plaatide teooria ning purunemismehaanika võrranditel ja kriteeriumitel.
Arendatud meetod on esimene, mis võimaldab korraga modelleerida pragude ja astmetega konstruktsioonide omavõnkumisi.
To assess structural durability non-destructive methods are used. These allow to detect defects in structures without destroying them in the process. There are many non-destructive methods, one of them is the eigenfrequency method, which is based on the property of the structures to oscillate freely at certain frequencies. These frequencies are called eigenfrequencies. Theoretical investigation eigenfrequencies of the structures is the main topic of this dissertation. This dissertation examines eigenfrequencies of two types of stepped structures, namely plates and plate strips. The main question is how the cracks affect the eigenfrequencies of these structures. We consider cracks that are stable, have constant length and are located at the re-entrant corners of steps of the structures. This work can be divided into three parts. In the first section the impact of cracks on the eigenfrequencies of isotropic plate strips under different boundary conditions is examined. The second section is devoted to the role of cracks in anisotropic plates. The third section deals with the cracked anisotropic plates resting on elastic foundation. In the dissertation a new analytical method, which combines the classical theory of plates and the equations of fracture mechanics is proposed. The proposed method is the first analytical method that allows us to model eigenfrequencies of cracked and stepped structures at the same time.
To assess structural durability non-destructive methods are used. These allow to detect defects in structures without destroying them in the process. There are many non-destructive methods, one of them is the eigenfrequency method, which is based on the property of the structures to oscillate freely at certain frequencies. These frequencies are called eigenfrequencies. Theoretical investigation eigenfrequencies of the structures is the main topic of this dissertation. This dissertation examines eigenfrequencies of two types of stepped structures, namely plates and plate strips. The main question is how the cracks affect the eigenfrequencies of these structures. We consider cracks that are stable, have constant length and are located at the re-entrant corners of steps of the structures. This work can be divided into three parts. In the first section the impact of cracks on the eigenfrequencies of isotropic plate strips under different boundary conditions is examined. The second section is devoted to the role of cracks in anisotropic plates. The third section deals with the cracked anisotropic plates resting on elastic foundation. In the dissertation a new analytical method, which combines the classical theory of plates and the equations of fracture mechanics is proposed. The proposed method is the first analytical method that allows us to model eigenfrequencies of cracked and stepped structures at the same time.
Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.
ehituskonstruktsioonid, plaadid, mittepurustav katsetamine, purunemismehaanika, building constructions, plates, nondestructive testing, fracture mechanics