Plant and Soil Science Research in Estonia 2006-2010


The Estonian Ministry of Education and Research commissioned in 2010 an international evaluation of agricultural research in Estonia. In the context of the evaluation, agricultural research was defined as plant and soil sciences. The evaluation was carried out in cooperation with the Estonian Ministry of Agriculture, Estonian Research Council, Estonian Academy of Sciences and Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce. The goal set for the international evaluation by the Steering Committee was to assess the research quality, the significance of agricultural research to Estonian society and training of young researchers. The evaluation was expected to provide assessments as well as recommendations for the future both at the institutional level and with regards of the research system of the Estonian plant and soil sciences.


Evaluation Report 1/2012


Estonia, agricultural research, evaluation, estimation, assessment, reports, plant growing, scientific research, research, agricultural education, doctoral studies, soil science, doktoriõpe, põllumajandusharidus, taimekasvatus, teaduslik uurimistöö, aruanded, hindamine, eesti, põllumajandusuuringud, mullateadus

